Rapid downsizing of effective 3, weight loss recipes
The first day Breakfast: black coffee or tea in a Cup, Apple a, cracker a slice of a slice of cheese, low fat Lunch: black coffee or tea in a Cup, a slice of wholemeal bread, boiled eggs a Dinner: black coffee or tea in a Cup, a banana, a boiled vegetables, wholemeal bread piece The second day Breakfast: black coffee or tea in a Cup, a banana, a slice of wholemeal bread, a glass of low-fat milk Lunch: black coffee or tea in a Cup, a slice of wholemeal bread, boiled eggs, tomato and a Dinner: black coffee or tea in a Cup, a cup of yogurt, two slices of salty biscuits The third day Breakfast: black coffee or tea in a Cup, a slice of wholemeal bread, boiled eggs, Apple a Lunch: black coffee or tea in a Cup, bananas, grilled steak 150g Dinner: black coffee or tea in a Cup, a boiled vegetables, two slices of salty biscuits This package only need one week, three days in a row, use the above food arrangements, while the remaining four days can follow the normal diet, but in this four-day period will not be able to overeating. As long as you do so, within one month after slimming effect is very obvious, you will see the entire people lost ring, I would be very effective. It is also important to mention that some people drink coffee will decrease after the appetite, but some people in the coffee after appetite but will be even better, the recipes above is not applicable to the latter, may let these people stick to it. (Source: PConline Photography Department) Additional reading: Meals diet recipes summer health shoushenfa nbsp;nbsp; Summer weight loss a low card slimmed over dinner meal Juice Detox Diet healthier cleaning body nbsp; 我想减肥成功: gt;gt;gt; And I ask a question Look more weight loss method |
Thursday, December 16, 2010 |
Weight loss recipes weekend and eat clean your body
Did you ever experience a meal eaten, but do not feel hungry, up-down, but feel more comfortable lightness. When you have such an idea flashed, you actually have reduced food movement was launched. The rise of abstaining from family weekend In Japan, there is a group of white-collar workers choose the weekend for a healthy activity, they start from Friday morning, drink yoghurt and fruit and vegetable juice, enjoy belly easily feel. To Saturday, they drink and fruit juice, natural flavor of fruits and vegetables taste, feel the body becomes very lightweight. Sunday breakfast porridge, pickles, miso soup, and other oily diet, they suddenly discover porridge in the mouth with a sweet taste, miso soup, bean curd has a faint scent of beans, they enjoy every bite of food to bring them a taste of nature. This group of people is the so-called ldquo; weekend rdquo; abstaining from family, they choose to eat at the weekend, bi-monthly health SPA, adjustments in their stomach, get rid of the excess fat and dewlap, promote metabolism, body some common ailments are slowly disappearing. Ldquo; the origin of the concept of abstaining from rdquo; Ldquo; abstaining from rdquo; such a concept most early comes from religion, Buddhism founder Sakyamuni said ldquo; if there are any within five body become ill, you should eat the wrong! rdquo;. The earliest Christian ldquo; Jesus says to health, God will advise you hungry, hungry to diqing stomach, makes a man healthy but disease rdquo;. Taoism also said ldquo; convinced to provide practice become immortal, and rdquo;. The father of Western medicine Hippocrates said ldquo; nature cure illness, the doctor is nature's Assistant rdquo;. Russia literatus Tolstoy said ldquo; eat not only health, but also the pleasure rdquo; soul. Soviet scientists tschaikov said ldquo; in my opinion, the greatest discovery of the era is enabling people through reasonable and eat while more young rdquo;. Ldquo; cleaning rdquo; your body Your daily brushing and cleaning your face, but your body after decades without cleaning. Now, you can also reduce excessive oil in life and sugar, not eating unhealthy substances begin reducing food, then you can at the weekend, choose to eat in a day. After that, the body of toxins will be drain, you will have the love of a good look, a slim build, you start to enjoy the delicious food and a natural pure, feel the body light comfortable no burden on the State of health. Waste accumulation, toxins, precipitation leading to human aging, disease-ridden, by abstaining from outside inside keeps maintenance method, you can adjust the entire body system, improve the internal environment, emit toxins. And toxins in the body after saying ByeBye healthier skin more brilliance, even face several years younger. (Source: PConline Photography Department) Additional reading: Mad to eat after several slimming products first aid build Weight loss food daily 10 peanut slimming anti-aging nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Summer weight loss: 7 high-fiber foods can help you reduce the waist circumference nbsp; 我想减肥成功: gt;gt;gt; 我 |
Thursday, December 16, 2010 |
Full-day low calorie nutrition weight loss recipes
For overweight women or women who want to lose weight, daily energy intake and a corresponding reduction in the 200-300kcal, approximately 1700 total per day, of which 1800 kcal-15% to 20% of energy from protein, about 70 g ~ 90 g, 20-30% from fat, 50-60% come from carbohydrate. The following is a low energy recipes of full-day dietary provisioning principles: Low-energy recipes for the whole day dietary provisioning principles: 1. food, grain-oriented. Daily intake of approximately 200-300 grams, 100 grams of rice or noodles, corn, pumpkin, oats, millet and other cereals, about 100 grams. 2. guarantee dairy. Daily 1 bottle 227ml low fat or skim milk, morning or afternoon drinks, drink before dinner, remember: you cannot drink after dinner. 3. increase in vegetables, fruits, and vegetables can be eaten raw, as far as possible and do not drop or rarely put salad sauce. Salad put vinegar little drop or hold oil. 4, lunch and dinner 1 ~ 2 hours before eating a low-sugar fruit or vegetable, such as apples, bananas, cucumber, tomato, corn, carrots, red peppers, etc., about 100 grams. Remember: don't eat fruit after meals. 5, animal food, white meats, such as shrimps, poultry class instead of red meat, 100 grams per day, dinner to try not to eat red meat. Poultry Skinless, eat less. 6-day guarantee a seaweed food (kelp, Laver) or a mushroom food (mushrooms, mushroom, etc.); or a bean types of food, every 50 grams. 7. to ensure good eating, eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, eat small meals energy ratio = 3: 4: 6-8, drink 8 glasses of boiled water, drink green tea, drink or not drink drinks carbonated sugar and not drink class juice and milk drinks. 9, eat or not eat potato chips, snacks, cookies, cakes, desserts and snacks. 10, cooking to fried, steaming, boiling, soup, not fried, fried, stewed dish not sugar, cooking oil 25 grams or less. 11, 4 hours before going to sleep and eat all the food. Breakfast in the preparation of principles: 1. to ensure good eating breakfast, food intake shall be equal to the amount of one third of the day. 2. each breakfast energy distribution ratio of around 15% from proteins, 28% are from fat, 57% from carbohydrates. 3. eat cereals, about 50-100 g, such as oatmeal or bran bread, ample supplies of energy. 4. daily drink low-fat or skim milk or milk products. 5, food is diverse, high quality breakfast includes the following main categories of food: food grains, dairy, meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits. Lunch in the preparation of principles: Lunch is a day of nutrients requirements and energy intake up to meal, playing the role of connecting, and breakfast amount to more than; and dinner is better than the quality, the higher energy to meet the needs of a day's work. 1, staple food can select rice and flour, millet or other roughage, about 100 grams. 2. Select two or more quantities of vegetables, to more than 200 grams. 3. Select approximately 100 g of animal food, fish, shrimp, poultry, livestock meat or eggs, select class. But to avoid high sugar, high fat, high energy foods such as eat poultry Skinless, don't eat shrimp ROE, crab, high cholesterol, high-fat food. 4 dishes using FRY, FRY, fried, boiled with, steamed, rarely adding seasonings, such as: salt, sugar and Spice spicy stimulation, taste bland. 5. increased 100 g before dinner or fruit, or Heures eat fruit, don't eat fruits with high sugar content. 6, gastrointestinal discomfort, recommended lunch to eat porridge, and easy to digest food. 7, lose weight, or the need to reduce energy intake, you can eat soup, then eat dishes, to chew swallow. Dinner in the preparation of principles: 1, dinner talk, staple food can choose roughage, such as millet gruel or eight-treasure porridge, etc. 2. animal food you can fish, shrimp or peeling of poultry, of less than 100 grams 3, two kinds of vegetables, guarantee a is eaten raw. 4 Heures or meal before 1-2 hour increase in 100 grams of fruit, or vegetables, do not eat fruits with high sugar content. (Source: PConline Photography Department) |
Additional reading:
Mad to eat after several slimming products first aid build
Weight loss food daily 10 peanut slimming anti-aging nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;
Summer weight loss: 7 high-fiber foods can help you reduce the waist circumference
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gt;gt;gt; And I ask a question Look more weight loss method
Thursday, December 16, 2010 |
Month minus 8 kg 4 every story of sweet potato diet nutrition
Sweet potatoes also contain balanced nutrition ingredients According to measurement, per 100 g of sweet fat only to 0. 2 g, is the 1/4 of rice, sweet potato is low-calorie, low fat foods leader. In addition, the sweet potatoes also contain balanced nutrition ingredients. Such as vitamin A, B, C, cellulose, potassium, iron, copper, etc. more than 10 types of trace elements, including cellulose on intestinal peristalsis up good stimulus to promote excretion. At the same time, due to the fiber structure in intestinal absorption, has not been obstructed the sugars into fat's special features. Therefore, nutritionists call sweet potato is the most balanced nutritional and healthy food, the most ideal and inexpensive large weight loss food. Sweet potato nutritional table (100 g) Moisture 72. 8 g Protein 1. 7 grams Fat 0. 3 g Carbohydrate 24. 3 g Cellulose 3. 0 grams Vitamin C 22. 7 mg Vitamin A 20063 international unit Vitamin E 0. 3 mg Thermal 105 kcal CA 22 mg 204 mg potassium Phosphorus 28 mg Sweet potato weight loss recipes |
1 Sweet Potato porridge Materials: fresh sweet potatoes 250 grams, 100 grams of rice. Cooking steps: The sweet potato (with red skin with heart is the best) wash potatoes cut into small pieces, add water and rice boiled gruel. Food law: best weight loss during morning and evening eating better cycle 1 month. 2, red sweet potato mud Materials: red sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) 500 grams, 25 g of lard. Cooking steps: 1. selected red red sweet potato cleaning, peeling, steaming on the cage or cooked, remove the pressure into mud. 2, pot of hot oil, placed in sweet potato mud, stir-fry water vapor will be dried and then continue fried-sweet potato filling mud is ROE shaped, quick fried uniform. Features: Hong-glossy, sweet and delicious. Food law: red sweet potato mud can match when the staple food, and some vegetables and broth, long term consumption. |
3. sweet Sesame soup Materials: sweet potato 1 pound, onions (cut into slices) 1/4, soup 400 ml, 100 ml milk, oil 1/2 big spoonful, the salt, pepper, a little moderation and black sesame. Cooking steps: 1 sweet potato peeled, cut into 3 cm long into the water. 2. the butter into the pot, put the onions with fried soft in the fire, add sweet potato, fried until translucent. 3. join the soup, with faint in Cook, a soft, sweet potato, took out a small part of the decoration, the remaining into container mashed into milk, salt and pepper. 4. pour into jars, placed on decoration of sweet potato and black |
4, savory rice with sweet potato
Materials: sweet potato 1 kg, 2 cups rice, onion bits spoon, 2 1 spoonful of oil, salt and 1/2 table spoon.
Cooking steps:
Wash 1, sweet potato, cut into a block, drain the water.
2, in the wok oil added to the sweet potato in the pot over fried-fragrant salt.
3, and then add the proper water and then put the rice in sweet potato, a small fire cooked cooked. (Source: PConline Photography Department)
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Women love baoshou food TOP10
Summer recommended 10 quick weight loss menu
1 slimming meal let you easily enjoy thin
gt;gt;gt; Look more weight loss method
Thursday, December 16, 2010 |
1 slimming meal let you easily enjoy thin
Who wouldn't want a slim and shapely bright build building busy office workers often beset by obesity: work pressure, easily lead to overeating; life without rules, busy time not to eat, Gu, once a good and easy dinner, causing the excess calories; most headache that simply do not have enough time to do weight loss exercises that morning to sleep late at night when I got home exhausted, is unable to exercise. In fact, lose weight and not to disrupt your life, you have to squeeze out of time to lose weight. As long as you in everyday life to join some weight loss mannerisms you also can easily maintain a slim build. To try it! A.M.7mdash;9 Drink coffee before breakfast Vanderbilt University, Nashville, United States study found that 30 minutes before breakfast and drink a cup of coffee can effectively control appetite, let you eat only 75% of the previous food intake to feel full, and also can be fat burning speed of 5%! thanks to coffee in a Thermogenic substances Xanthine, it can also provide your body with enough heat. Breakfast supplement calcium Daily intake of calcium 600 mg dose (breakfast and lunch at the 300 mg) can help your body speed up fat consumption. Scientists in a research found, according to this approach than the female, meals not consumed over calcareous female minus 22% of body weight, fat reduced by 61%, abdominal fat minus 81%! On the toilet before you take a cup of dark plum sauce Dark plum flower table-rich with mdash; this plant chemicals can help the body effectively discharged fat and toxins. Drink a cup of dark plum juice, your body ldquo; clean rdquo; program greatly accelerated, liver and will also be able to be in your body that may be caused by obesity material promptly and thoroughly passed out. A.M.10mdash;11 Drink some water If you want to be in this weeks minus 2 kg of body weight, how much water you drink every day and your weight. Nutrition experts recommend, per kilogram of body weight you should drink 31.3 ml of water (e.g., 50 weight kg for females), and every day they should drink 1.565 litres). Water is the body metabolism in automatic high-temperature, low water uptake, once your body temperature will drop, your body will start dependency fat. Breakfast and lunch to eat peanuts Scientists in a survey found that peanuts to lose weight, subtract weight are those who do not eat peanuts ' 2 x! research has shown that if you eat a peanut, calorie intake will reduce 333 card. On the toilet before you take a cup of dark plum sauce Dark plum flower table-rich with mdash; this plant chemicals can help the body effectively discharged fat and toxins. Drink a cup of dark plum juice, your body ldquo; clean rdquo; program greatly accelerated, liver and will also be able to be in your body that may be caused by obesity material promptly and thoroughly passed out. |
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Drink some water
If you want to be in this weeks minus 2 kg of body weight, how much water you drink every day and your weight. Nutrition experts recommend, per kilogram of body weight you should drink 31.3 ml of water (e.g., 50 weight kg for females), and every day they should drink 1.565 litres). Water is the body metabolism in automatic high-temperature, low water uptake, once your body temperature will drop, your body will start dependency fat.
Breakfast and lunch to eat peanuts
Scientists in a survey found that peanuts to lose weight, subtract weight are those who do not eat peanuts ' 2 x! research has shown that if you eat a peanut, calorie intake will reduce 333 card.
Fermented food lunch
The researchers found that eating fermented foods such as bread, sandwiches, and other less hungry, eat more common food at least 1 hour or more. This is because the food during fermentation, starch and sugars is decomposed into an easy to digest, the digestive system needed more time to digest it, you will not feel hunger.
The street is a cup of strong tea
Strong tea of caffeine can significantly suppress your appetite, let your appetite decreased 35%, and the metabolism of 5% faster.
Afternoon to a spoonful of honey
Honey to credit after 20 minutes of your blood glucose levels to normal, and it can be the normal stable 2 hours, reduce your hunger and to placate your mood, letting you maintain in a happy mood.
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To add some seasoning food
Eat a meal tastes strong meal, eat a taste very light meal easier and shelf stable blood glucose levels. When blood glucose remains in a stable state, will continue to burn calories, not become fat present in vivo, easily lead to hunger.
Add some pepper meals
Japan study showed that eating some irritant foods such as pepper, ginger, pepper, you can move the body's fat burning capacity increase 25%, this high speed metabolism status after dinner and spent three hours or more.
To relax with oolong tea
Develop the habit of drinking the oolong tea will let your metabolism system work faster, it will make your body burns calories increase 3%, fat consumption by 10%. Because this kind of tea is does not contain calories, fat and sodium, he wanted to lose weight you can rest assured to drink.
/p>Coconut when desserts
Coconut is nature's best sources of fatty acids, fatty acids will credit back directly conveyed to the liver, liver burning calories is 50% faster. (Source: PConline Photography Department)
Additional reading:
Juice Detox Diet healthier cleaning body
Eight diet make you thin a summer nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;
Three meals a day weight loss recipes summer health shoushenfa
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Thursday, December 16, 2010 |