5 fruits and vegetables for five parts shoushenfa
Thin face champions mdash mdash;; celery A large tree probably contains celery 4 ~ 5 calories, but instead need to chew it consumes 5 ~ 8 calories, entering the stomach in about 5 calories. In this way, the digestive celery calories than it provides heat, it is better to eat ldquo; thinner rdquo;! Thin waist champion mdash mdash; Strawberry; Strawberry seems not often appear in the fruit and vegetable diet ldquo; pioneer team rdquo;, you can subtract the waist ldquo; swimming laps rdquo; it is the most powerful of his wife Victoria Beckham! is Strawberry thin waist and beneficiaries. This is all thanks to strawberries in a called aspartate magic material. It can be natural gentle drop waist of the excess moisture, dissolves the waist loop pile up fat, and fat to help your body Detox, help you easily become small ldquo; lumbar rdquo; fine. Thin thighs champion mdash mdash;; white radish Just like the camel's hump is physically stored nourishment, thigh is human body used to reserve energy in case of need of ldquo; warehouse rdquo; and therefore particularly vulnerable to cumulate fats. Has been sisters, eat more white radish! it contains spicy ingredients of mustard oil, with the promotion of fatty substances better metabolism, ldquo; avoid the accumulation of subcutaneous fat in rdquo; this feature but what fruits and vegetables than! deal with thigh fat is the most appropriate. Skinny stomach champion mdash mdash; tomato; Often common to have a girl, look at the waist from behind, is available from the pureness and glimpse: Wow plug! how can extrude in front of a nut belly? this other fat, this is often because the intestinal accumulate too much waste. Then, go to oil force will show superior tomato! it's rich in food fibers, can absorb excess fat in the intestine, the fat and toxins excreted. Before eating a tomato, prevents fat is intestinal absorption, so that you never nut with troubles. Lean back mdash mdash; champion; grapefruit What girls want to be described as ldquo; Tiger bear lumbar rdquo;?! But the back and shoulders thick girls really quite, and the sites of particular difficulty reduced dewlap. In fact, know the reason and then ldquo; start rdquo; that much easier. The increase in back dewlap mostly because in vivo glucose is absorbed and converted into fat, therefore, want to knock them about ldquo; sugar rdquo; to start. Then, select the grapefruit is a perfect fit. It is not only a very low heat, and is rich of special ldquo; enzyme rdquo; can affect the body's absorption of sugar, so that it no longer easily transformed into fat. (Source: PConline Photography Department) Additional reading: Teach you how to eat out thin Constitution no longer fat Sweet foods specially written for you enjoy a summer skinny Diet eat edge thin negative calorie ingredients nbsp; gt;gt;gt; |
Thursday, December 09, 2010 |
Weight loss recipes 15 food weight loss secrets in hidden
In everyday life has some food on our health food. You know what? they aren't just good for your health, beauty and weight loss Oh hellip; hellip; 1. medlar: Nourishing the liver and kidney, Yi-smart. For virtual Lao Jing deficit, knee pain, dizziness, tinnitus, internal heat Diabetes Blood deficiency chlorosis, stunning. 2. rose tea: Roses are rich in vitamins A, C, B, E, K, and tannic acid, can improve the endocrine failure silk, to eliminate fatigue and wound stasis GmbH. Qi and blood, regulating the issue of female physiology, promote blood circulation, beauty, menstruation, diuretic, easing stomach nerve, anti wrinkle, preventing frostbite, skin beauty. The body tired and aching, get some quite suitable to massage. Rose buds made from dried flowers, each with 5 to 7, with a handful of NEN tip of green tea, plus three red (going nuclear), daily water tea drink, you can go to the firelight, keep the spirit energy, increase your energy, long-term consumption, but also can make you see red in the face of white, maintaining youthful beauty 3. the Honeysuckle: A microbial resistance to the original. On many pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus viridans, Escherichia coli, Bacillus Vibrio cholerae, dysentery, typhoid, paratyphoid bacilli are certain inhibition; B, has bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect, on the influenza virus, of orphaned viruses, herpes virus, Leptospira have an inhibitory effect; C, anti-inflammatory and detoxification, furuncle and carbuncle of swollen, intestinal diseases of lung abscess strong powder Carbuncle swelling, heat and detoxifying effect; D, the role of soothing heat disperses pathogens, external sense of wind or warm in the beginning, being less heat headache, upset, God out of insomnia tongue purple, pharynx dry mouth dryness and so has the certain role; E, cooling effect, Zhili on hot poison dysentery, diarrhea with pus, wet temperature resistance and throat, pain and swelling in the throat and detoxification of vaporous Zhili cooling. F, the smell of sweet honeysuckle, of cold, heat and detoxifying, dispelling role, detoxifying, soothing, throat, and care in addition to my role. Can be treated with heat, Xie, flu, sore boils venom. acute and chronic tonsillitis, periodontitis and other diseases. 4. date: Buzhong, soothing and moisturizing. Food for the spleen, the momentum that Tang, woman hysteria. 5. peach tea: Beauty, good water, blood, purgative effect. Smell the limb edema, treating gas, phlegm, and second is negative. Brewing method: peach moderation, moderation, boiling water, BREW for honey. 6. the chrysanthemum tea: Can be used, with dry heat, fire, eye astringent, or by the wind, cold, humidity-induced limb pain, numbness of diseases have certain effects. Healthy people usually also when boiled water to drink, is an all ages of tea drinks. Chrysanthemum for treatment of eye fatigue, blurred vision also has good effect, China since ancient times knew Daisy protects the health of the eye, in addition to smudge eye can eliminate edema, usually you can make a cup of herbal tea to drink, and be able to eliminate eye fatigue, if you drank three to four cups of chrysanthemum tea, to restore vision also has a role. 7. sago: A temperature in the spleen, and the spleen and the weak, and dyspepsia. Sago and make the skin to restore the functionality of natural ritzy. 8. oats: Contains the human body is not missing, phosphorus, calcium, iron, vitamin, protein and carbohydrates, etc. Oats and bromus, wild barley, rye, it taste sweet and warm, invigorating wasting, hemostasis, only |
9. the mixture of:
The spleen, dampness, antidiarrheal, empyema. For the spleen diarrhea, muscle and joint pain acid, edema, beriberi, leucorrhea, Lung abscess, abscess, appendicitis. Common volume 9 ~ 30 g. Dampness and invigorating, relieving chubi, heat and drain the abscess.
10. green bean:
Taste sweet, of cold, heat, detoxification, and effectiveness of fire, green bean is rich in vitamin B family, glucose, protein, amylase, enzymes, iron, calcium, phosphorus and other ingredients, often drink green bean soup can help promote excretion of toxins, normal metabolism of the body. Many people eat oily, frying, hot food, very prone to skin itchy, acne, bath and other symptoms. Mung bean has strong detoxifying effect, you can unlock multiple toxins. Mung bean can lower cholesterol, hepatoprotective and anti-allergic. Summer and autumn seasons, mung bean soup is paiduyangyan relatives.
11. the red bean:
Clearing, diuretic, stomach and swelling, ventilation, except for the annoying, treatment of urine and spleen edema, athletes foot, etc. Red bean of nutrients and mung bean similar, in some components, even more than green beans. Therefore, many food red bean on the body.
12. crystal sugar:
A BU Zhong Yi Qi, and the role of gastric smooth, can be used for wet Soother. spleen is forbidden in full. Moisturizing the cough phlegm tradition. Also the bubble pharmaceutical wine, stew tonic of accessories.
A. the role of sugar: buzhong lungs, stomach, and Soother.
B. sexual tastes: sweet, flat, non-toxic. Channel: into the lung, spleen.
C. effectiveness: nourishing, moisturizing the cough.
D. indications: Lung-dry cough, dry cough and expectoration without phlegm, blood.
13. Lotus:
Antidiarrheal, kidney and spleen, yangxinanshen astringent. For a long time purging of the spleen, the palpitation of experimentation with insomnia. Prevention of premature birth, Lotus on abortion, pregnant women, the most effective low acid.
14. white fungus:
There is a strong, kidney, intestine, stomach, invigorating, and blood, strong heart, Yin, lungs, Shengjin, strong body, brain, refreshing, beauty, skin, prolong life of efficacy.
15. black beans:
Black Bean is an effective supplement renal products. Black beans to young women, and hairdressing. Black Bean is rich in vitamin E, and b vitamins content in the highest content of vitamin E than meat high 5 ~ 7 times. It is a beauty food. Black beans available in yen, eyesight, Ufa, white and delicate skin.
Black Bean skin is black, contain anthocyanins, anthocyanins are good sources of antioxidants, to clear the free radicals, especially in the stomach acid, antioxidant effects, beauty beauty, increase the bowels.
Black Bean is rich in vitamin E, VE is also a kind of antioxidants that can remove free radicals, reduction of skin wrinkles, keeping youth fitness. Black beans in crude fiber content as high as 4%, ordinary black beans can provide food in crude fiber, promote digestion and prevent constipation.
Deficiency of human consumption subject to hot black bean can wind down in, spherical gas, detoxifying diuretic, can effectively reduce urinary frequency, low acid, female Dingbat negative anomalies and lower abdomen cold symptoms.
Black beans on health has so many functions, but are not suitable for eating, especially stomach not good people appear flatulence, but heating, some nutrients will be high temperature decomposition. (Picture source: PConline Photography Department)
Supplementary reading: 揭 Secret 3 among most popular thin face surgery Chest Lichen diet breast enhancement is the most effective
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Color = "# 3366cc" > see more diet nbsp;Thursday, December 09, 2010 |
Three quick weight loss diet 3 days thin round
First, the 3-day diet reduced white 4-6 kg This recipe is healthier qingchang Detox recipes that require three days to porridge is the staple food (try cooking dilute some). Perseverance of people may wish to try. Day 1 Breakfast: porridge, a white-bread lunch:, a white egg dinner: porridge, a dish of fried vegetables Day 2 Breakfast: porridge, a sesame seed packet lunch: porridge, a white egg dinner: porridge, a dish of fried vegetables Day 3 Breakfast: porridge, five cracker bread lunch: porridge, a grape white wheat bread dinner:, a dish of fried vegetables Notes: 1. eat three meals a day, other porridge served dishes will be prohibited 2, to be afraid of porridge and too cold, and a few slices of ginger and pot 3. to increase palatability, can seep into 1/3 Brown Baozhou 4, you may receive the stomach gas and hyperacidity reaction, such as the situation seriously have to stop, take three days to two days or one-day course of clearing intestines 5, three days later on should be reduced 4 to 6 pounds, to better effect, you can choose a more thorough cleaning, other do not eat, but eat porridge, but some people may not fit, you can try to start or one and a half days, according to the above menus to eat a half days after only eat porridge, you will find three days later he came back to life, even the skin smooth and delicate, acne and surface oil will be reduced. |
2. Western-style 3-day weight loss diet weight 9 kg If you have trouble, you can try the following 3, weight loss recipes. Its ingredients with a more balanced nutrition, but also can control the total calories, Day 1 Breakfast: grapefruit half, peanut butter three spoon, bread, coffee cup. Lunch: tuna tuna canned half pot (mineral water or pure water immersion), toast, a cup of coffee or tea. Dinner: cabbage flower half, two slices of meat, lentil 10 tall, red grapes 10 capsules, Apple a vanilla ice cream with a Cup, a cup of tea or coffee. Day 2 Breakfast: banana half a root, boiled eggs, toast, a cup of coffee or tea. Lunch: a cup of yogurt, cracker two pieces, one cup of coffee or tea. Dinner: hot dog sausage two root, broccoli half, red grape 10 capsules, half banana, coffee or tea in a Cup. Day 3 Breakfast: Apple a, cheese, cracker two pieces, one cup of coffee or tea. Lunch: boiled eggs, toast, a cup of coffee or tea. Dinner: tuna tuna a tank (mineral water or pure water immersion), cabbage flower half half root tree, banana, red grape 10 capsules, a cup of vanilla ice cream. Note: 1. the five Cup oarian Clearwater, (early-late one cup, three meals a day with a Cup in the middle), there cannot be drinking water or eating anything. 2. raw only white cook with salt and white pepper, unavailable |
3. in accordance with the order, is not about recipes or other substitutes.
4. coffee or tea could not be sweetened or with milk.
5. formula considered nutrition mix and chemical action, not arbitrary changes.
Three, three days of Pu'er tea weight loss recipes
1. the breakfast: baked whole-wheat toast a tablet, a boiled egg, skim milk Cup, a cup of tea
2. Chinese food: a cup of skim milk, steamed fish (the same amount of chicken breast meat may), boiled vegetables, fruits a (Apple, tomato), Pu'er Tea Cup
3. dinner: dinner menu for your own deployment, but the ban on meat edible starchy and
Note: three days are eating, usually 3 days can thin 4-6 kg, but every day at least 2500-3000cc to drink water.
Warm tips:
Fast weight loss diet is only suitable for those who want to cram woman use, although short-term effect is good, but very easy to rebound, and is not suitable for long-term use, otherwise the malnutrition.
If you would like to have a charming nice build, or from the daily drop done.
If you have been eating a lot, do not immediately go on a diet and eat, use the decrement method, three meals a day minus 50 grams. Progressive daily staple control in 2500 grams (approximately a half bowls) and roughage instead of white rice, develop the habit of eating officers full. Food can adopt lean meat, fish, eggs, yellow bean and sugar fewer vegetables, fruits, etc.
Starch-containing excessive and very sweet food such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, grayish, jam, sweets, candied fruit, milk, wheat and fruit dessert, try to eat or not eat.
On some more fatty foods such as peanuts, walnuts, Sesame and various animal oil, cream, and fried foods would also have to be controlled. (Picture source: PConline Photography Department)
Supplementary reading: Reduced light stomach floating meat dewlap tips available Reduced light stomach floating meat dewlap tips available
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Thursday, December 09, 2010 |
Fruit calories low card ranking better weight loss results
1. lemon 100 grams/24 calories Whitening the skin you want to eat some lemon, slimming and do not forget it. Lemon to citric acid, can promote calorie metabolism, coupled with the concentrations of vitamin C, it is the fruit of the first heat and is the lowest, all new skinny people, are sure to fall in love with lemon smell of acid, remember that little to eat, or will it hurt the stomach, fasting is not eat well! 2, grapefruit 100 grams/28 calories Occidental loves eating grapefruit and other acidic fruits to body sculpting, because the acid fruits can promote intestinal digestive function, the grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, you can eliminate fatigue, but also to let your skin beautiful! plus grapefruit less calories and sugar, is the best of star fruit to lose weight. 3. pineapple 100 grams/32 calories Bromeliads are acidic fruits, medicated and help digestion, plus the pineapple is rich in enzymes can be useful to promote toxin decomposition, drainage is like a thin person can moderate consumption of fruit, but eat pineapple is best not to eat well before the meal, because it would damage the stomach, so make sure to grab a bite to eat the stomach cushion pad, La, although good, nor can you eat too much. 4. tomato 100 g/35 calories Thanks to downsizing trend, tomato overnight sale price skyrocketed, be a star product. Tomato in addition to the rich in vitamin C, E, K, it is also rich in lycopene, folic acid, carotenoids, phenolic acids and fiber is the recent most popular health fruit, also known as diet fruit meal of good taste. 5, kiwifruit 100 g/50 calories Sweet and juicy fruit, rich in vitamin C, become the most popular cosmetic and body sculpting fruit. With a hint of sweet and sour taste of the fruit of good and can help prevent constipation, digestive and beautification of the skin, even if brought when the diet, will let people eat has enjoyed it, but it also belongs to the low-calorie and high-quality fruit nutrition. 6. Apple 100 g/50 calories Apple is the best one will be selected by the thin fruit, because it is rich in pectin, can help the bowels and the body, the best thing is you can reduce the heat absorption, plus Apple a lot of potassic, prevents leg edema. Of course, La, Apple's calories is not high, so is eating apples apples diet. 7, banana 100 grams/125 calories Many fruits are not to be missed are the banana diet, because bananas contain rich in fiber, vitamin A, potassic and pectin, etc, so you can effectively the entire intestine, so that you can help the defecation. Bananas have excluded the effect of moisture content is not only the best thin fruit is eaten will let skin beauty of water when when the incumbent, but high in banana calories, eat much, misgivings of getting fat. In addition to the above fruit, bulky, water more watermelon, low-calorie Alba, carambola, also can be used to thin. Small series of the reminder: Summer is a good practice to eat grapes, fresh seasonal fruit and a delicious, of course, the grapes do not spit grape skin! visit the encyclopedia says "Lim Hai-feng said the teacher will Apple and grape ldquo; skin rdquo; a juice or eat directly, the peel of juice can have good skincare, Antiaging and anti-oxidant effect, so eat these fruits, potatoes together, it is healthy. But remember to clean the skin. (Source: PConline Photography Department) Additional reading: 5 fruits and vegetables for five parts shoushenfa Sweet foods specially written for you enjoy a summer skinny Weight loss diet eat edge thin negative calorie ingredients |
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Thursday, December 09, 2010 |
Three days to eat Apple obesity away from you
Apple contains more potassium, less sodium, can lower blood pressure; Apple pectin can lower cholesterol; Apple contains flavonoids, can reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease and heart disease induced by; Apple has a very rich in antioxidants, may reduce the occurrence of cancer. Evidently, Apple is a very healthy fruit. Just think, if the three days of pure Apple, you can lose weight in three to five kilograms, and maintain health, would you like to try? Apple diet basics The benefits of losing weight by eating apples is not hungry, hungry to eat apples. Because it is low-calorie food, no matter how much to eat, do not be smaller than the daily intake of calories, so naturally reduce body weight. Eat apples to lose weight, but also to improve the skin dry, allergic dermatitis, constipation and other symptoms. You know, our appetite by mind control. When the central issue ldquo; eat, eat rdquo; instruction, you will become very greedy. However, no matter how delicious the food that you eat too much will get fed up with. For example, you really like to eat cake, however, if this is the same kind of cake, supper is not possible to eat a lot of blocks? Similarly, in Apple lose weight, eat two or three apples, your brain will tell you the ldquo; full stomach rdquo; the directive therefore actually eat Apple does too much, intake of calories. If you have no way to implement three days Apple slim, from a day or two. As long as you do, you will have an effect. For example, you can implement a week from day one, and so accustomed to, and then increased to two days, three days. Not used, it is best not to exceed three days to avoid central nervous system dysfunction, but will lose weight after overeating, becoming fatter than before also lose weight. Apple diet method ① for three consecutive days only eat apples, not eat other fruits and food. ② you can follow the three meals a day time eat apples or hungry, eat, eat. ③ No matter what kinds of apples can, however, preferably red apples. Comparison of acid Green Apple, fear will stimulate the bowel. ④ Apple to eat fresh, and clean the skin, avoid pesticide remnants. ⑤ in these three days, thirsty, you can drink water or tea without irritation, such as mint tea, herb tea, maicha, red tea houttuynia cordata, etc. ⑥ lose weight, your stomach is very sensitive, so to avoid drinking caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee, green tea, oolong tea, etc., in order to avoid stomach discomfort. ⑦ during weight loss in Apple, if you have constipation problem, can the third night, drink one or two tablespoons of olive oil in runchang, promote savings of toxin drainage. Three days after eating tips Three days after the end of Apple lose weight as far away from the excitement of food, so your stomach will be very tender, the taste is very sensitive, but the stomach will be smaller. The fourth day, your diet slowly recovering, cannot eat lots of food, especially not to snacking. Recovery diet for the first three days, it's a good idea to eat porridge, tofu from, etc. In short, weight-loss recovery diet, food to light and not excessive, in this way, the effect of weight loss will be sustained. Apple lose weight equal to clean-up of the digestive system of the body. If you really are fat, want to do once the recovery is Apple losing weight is not possible. The best of each month or just once, until reduced to ideal weight. Apple can weight loss of 5 big reasons ① because food intake decreased, the stomach and digestive organs to rest. Dieting, weight loss or regularly eat less, to let the rest of the digestive system, restore their original function and normal operation. ② Apple weight loss improves kidney or stomach function, exhaust emissions purification of blood in the body. It can make the body of congestion (old residual dirt blood), subian (old fecal matter), water toxicity (cause edema causes), the body becomes healthier. ③ Apple lose weight so that human intake of calorie reduced enough part requires heat supply in savings. The so-called body heat the fat savings. Body fat consumed, human nature will become thin. ④ obese individuals almost always make for overeating, stomach expansion beyond its control appetite. Apple diet can cause stomach shrink, weight loss is easy to control appetite and taste becomes normal, not like pungent food or greasy food. ⑤ Apple losing weight can promote blood |
Supplementary reading: Six natural diet eat healthy removing toxins More tired fatter 6 small strokes and unzip getting thinner
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Thursday, December 09, 2010 |