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Eight qingchang slimming food easily


 1, best spices mdash mdash; vinegar;

Vinegar in cooking, summer vegetables in essential in vinegar is useful. Summer bacteria increase active, intestinal infectious diseases, at this point, vinegar on various germs have strong effect.

  2, best vegetable mdash mdash;; bitter taste vegetable

As the saying goes: ldquo; day hot dishes; bitter, than to stoke up rdquo. Bitter taste food contains amino acids, bitterness, alkaloids, with anti-bacterial anti-inflammatory and antipyretic eliminating, toxin, fatigue, etc.

  3, best meat mdash mdash; duck;

Duck meat, salt, sweet, taste of cold, the heat from the TCM ldquo; rdquo; of those cold treatment principle, is particularly suitable for the body heat of human consumption, such as a low-grade fever, weakness, eat less, fecal dry and so on.

  4, best beverage mdash mdash;; hot tea

Fuhanjia element in tea, quench your thirst and from tiredness. A study in the United States pointed out that the drink green tea can also reduce 1/3 due to Sun resulting sunburn, relaxation and rough. According to the United Kingdom experts test showed that the cooling capacity of hot tea is considerably higher than cold drink products, but definitely a beverage leader.

  5. best mdash mdash; fruits; watermelon

Watermelon flavour is sweet, of cold, also called ldquo; cold melon and rdquo; that is the summer melon to quench their thirst in the Qing dynasty. Ldquo; everyday people to have half a melon, bakes and rdquo; what you can get the answer. Summer heat stroke, fever, upset, thirst or other acute fever, are used for treatment of watermelon.

  6, best porridge mdash mdash;; bean porridge

Xiatianduo eat food that is zhoulei traditional body-care methods. Porridge best drink green bean porridge, green bean with cold, heat and evil. For ways to beat the porridge and Lotus porridge, fresh Lotus porridge, hygiene, Reed porridge, etc.

  7, best anti-fatigue mdash mdash; food; fruit and vegetable juice

Summer lassitude, drink more juice is a good choice. Because the juice of fresh fruits and vegetables are effective for human body vitamin and calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and other minerals, can enhance cell vitality and intestines, promotes digestion fluid secretion, eliminate fatigue.

  8, best sunscreen mdash mdash; food; tomatoes

Germany and the Netherlands two scientists of the research results show that eating tomatoes can sunscreen. If the daily consumption of 40 g tomato sauce, Sun sunburn risk will be reduced by 40%. Scientists think that this could be the lycopene in play a major role. (Source: PConline Photography Department)

Additional reading:

  Summer weight loss recipes 2 weeks minus 16 kg

  20 fast food easily lose weight Burns

  Colorful fruits help you one week weight loss program success

  gt;gt;gt; Look more weight loss method

6 diet methods respond to different groups

6种饮食减肥方法 应对不同人群

PClady exclusive zhuangao, unauthorized reprint!

  A, honey white vinegar for weight loss

Eating comfort level: ★ ★ ★ ☆

Use the convenient degree: ★ ★ ★ ★

  Edible method: regularity in their daily diet without changing to honey white vinegar 1: 4 ratio of consumption, twenty minutes a day before breakfast on an empty stomach to drink, lunch and dinner drink immediately after. White vinegar needs is the natural brewing vinegar Oh!

  Weight loss principle: of amino acid in vinegar, consumption of fats in the human body, and can make the sugar, protein, and other metabolic smoothly.

Honey contains a wealth of glucose, protein, vitamins, organic acids, amino acids and pollen and other nutrients, very low heat and be conducive to increased liver detoxification ability, but also by the stomach, digestive aid, and other effects.

This article navigation

Page 1: honey white vinegar for weight loss
Page 2: red wine and cheese, diet
Page 3: VC Tablet fructose water
Page 4: lemon diet
Page 5: Golden enzyme powder
Page 6: lose weight with vinegar and soy

6种饮食减肥方法 应对不同人群

PClady exclusive zhuangao, unauthorized reprint!

  For groups: students, OL, fatty fatty

 II. red wine cheese weight loss

Eating comfort level: ★ ★ ★ ★

Use the convenient degree: ★ ★ ★ ☆

  Edible method: dinner eat three meals a day, in 30 minutes before bed, eat 1mdash; 2 slices of cheese or 50g cheese, then drink a cup of 50mdash; 100CC of red wine, to select a high content of lipid, calcareous, sugar low/low carbohydrate cheese cheese Oh!

  Weight loss principle: daily intake of calcium can be fixed, effective weight loss, cheese and milk closer, does not contain lactose and calcareous easily absorbed, and protein after fermentation and short chain amino acid metabolism rate, you can upgrade. Red wine with an alcoholic, helps sleep. While sleep metabolism slow, low body temperature, eat cheese and drinking red wine, Thermogenesis and accelerates the metabolism, side bed side dissipates body fat to lose weight. But before a meal to eat starchy foods, or else a counter-productive Oh!

  For groups: fat obese persons, O

L, student

This article navigation

Page 1: honey white vinegar for weight loss
Page 2: red wine and cheese, diet
Page 3: VC Tablet fructose water
Page 4: lemon diet
Page 5: Golden enzyme powder
Page 6: lose weight with vinegar and soy

6种饮食减肥方法 应对不同人群nbsp;

PClady exclusive zhuangao, unauthorized reprint!

 III. VC Tablet fructose water

Eating comfort level: ★ ★ ★ ★

Use the convenient degree: ★ ★ ★ ★

  Edible method: fructose 15g joined 350ml warm water can be drunk in mixing. Twice a day, before meals or cooking more than one hour and a half hours eating, small drink. VC chewable tablets pharmacy sale, take one after lunch.

  Weight loss principle: VC can improve lipid and lipoprotein lipid metabolism, blood type, the higher the concentration of vitamin C, body fat is usually lower.

  The appetite for population: persons, students, busy OL

This article navigation

Page 1: honey white vinegar for weight loss
Page 2: red wine and cheese, diet
Page 3: VC Tablet fructose water
Page 4: lemon diet
Page 5: Golden enzyme powder
Page 6: lose weight with vinegar and soy

"text-align: center">6种饮食减肥方法 应对不同人群

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  4 lemon diet

Eating comfort level: ★ ★ ★ ☆

Use the convenient degree: ★ ★ ★ ★

  Edible method: edible olive oil 2mdash; mdash; 4 spoons, lemon 4mdash; mdash; 8 keys, plus a little garlic, stirring uniformly. Morning fasting and the evening before bedtime drink.

  Weight loss principle: lemon in a large number of citric acid, can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, defecation of smooth. There is no accumulation of toxins in the body will naturally thin down slowly.

 For groups: systemic accumulation of toxins and fat, waist and abdomen with obesity, colour by dimming

This article navigation

Page 1: honey white vinegar for weight loss
Page 2: red wine and cheese, diet
Page 3: VC Tablet fructose water
Page 4: lemon diet
Page 5: Golden enzyme powder
Page 6: lose weight with vinegar and soy


6种饮食减肥方法 应对不同人群 

PClady exclusive zhuangao, unauthorized reprint!

  5. Gold enzyme powder

Eating comfort level: ★ ★ ★ ☆

Use the convenient degree: ★ ★ ★ ☆

Edible method: gold enzyme powder 10g, morning after fasting or meal will place the enzyme powder 10g Gold Cup, pour into cups hot water around 120ml stir food directly.

  Weight loss principle: yeast can promote metabolism, the thermal combustion smoother, maintain beneficial bacteria in the intestines, improvement of the balance. Enzymes can effectively decrease appetite and can block the body's absorption of glucose and fat.

For groups: intractable obesity

G > this article navigation

Page 1: honey white vinegar for weight loss
Page 2: red wine and cheese, diet
Page 3: VC Tablet fructose water
Page 4: lemon diet
Page 5: Golden enzyme powder
Page 6: lose weight with vinegar and soy

六款自制减肥茶 喝出好身材

PClady exclusive zhuangao, unauthorized reprint!

  6. vinegar beans lose weight

Eating comfort level: ★ ★ ☆ ☆

Use the convenient degree: ★ ★ ☆ ☆

 Edible method: beans or black beans and fried with low fire, cooked with natural brewing vinegar 2: 1 ratio of soaking in a sealed bottle, a week after eating, three times a day, every meal before eating a spoon.

  Weight loss principle: vinegar of amino acid and acid, preventing lipid synthesis, promote its decomposition, to avoid the accumulation of fat in the body. Soybean seed saponins can promote fat metabolism, and contain large amounts of food, fiber, can promote intestinal peristalsis of.

For groups: various types of obesity. (Picture source: PConline Photography Department)

Additional reading:

  Summer weight loss recipes 2 weeks minus 16 kg

  20 fast food easily lose weight Burns

  Colorful fruits help you one week weight loss program success

  gt;gt;gt; Look more weight loss method

This article navigation
idth="98%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="art_nav_c">
Page 1: honey white vinegar for weight loss
Page 2: red wine and cheese, diet
Page 3: VC Tablet fructose water

Page 4: lemon diet
Page 5: Golden enzyme powder
Page 6: lose weight with vinegar and soy

Colorful fruits help you one week weight loss program success


Is there a day, 7 days a week, eat apples to lose weight despite their experience?, carefully hold back this ldquo; hungry rdquo; experience or feeling a little scary. In fact, want to use fruit to lose weight, is not to say that you like, I want to eat in a week, and you must eat fruit to your eyes straight. Fruit weight loss methods are many, like a week's Cookbook are colorful? follow small series, a fruit feast! different colors, different tastes, there is only one purpose, to help your healthy weight loss.

  Ldquo; red rdquo; fruit ldquo; weight of Fuxing rdquo;

Tuesday is a week most busy day, as they come to eat a diet of red tomatoes.

Recommended menus: vitality weight loss meal tomato Aloe-buttermilk

Ingredients: tomato two, Aloe one, plus a small bottle and buttermilk, honey a little.


Aloe tear to the epidermis, the standby.

Will put Aloe meat Blender, add tomato, buttermilk, honey, a fruit juice.

Dietitians Sifanghua: as tomato does not contain any fat, and carbohydrate contents in memory is not high, so use tomato replace snacks to meet mouth feeling and desire, not only of the weight loss effects appear obvious, it contains vitamins and lycopene, also helps to maintain healthy, stay away from the pain, in addition, because the tomato is also rich in dietary fibre, helps defecation metabolism, so quite suitable for deep suffering from constipation MM are edible.

  Ldquo; yellow rdquo; fruit ldquo; magical happy thin fruit rdquo;

Happy Wednesday, be sure to eat a fruit with bright colors. Let's join the ranks of the bananas in to lose weight.

Recommended recipe: banana oatmeal porridge

Material: banana 2 root, oats 100 grams, wolfberry moderation, milk bottle


First with plenty of water to cook oats. Then cut into small pieces of banana in it, and then put some wolfberry. Boil with milk and then five or six minutes.

Dietitians Sifanghua: banana is rich in dietary fiber, can stimulate the bowel of peristalsis, help excretion. If you do not eat, but eat bananas are dipped in honey, low heat than dinner, naturally slim down. However, such a rapid weight loss, body often because no good adjustment and adverse reactions. If it is long on bananas, body lack protein, minerals and other nutrients, your health risk alert is issued. Suggest you still more concentrated period of time consumption.

高纤营养食品 不需刻意节食就能瘦

 Ldquo; cyan rdquo; fruit ldquo; wisdom fruit rdquo; Kilimanjaro

Saturday to the life of Tim point cyan ldquo; taste rdquo;.

Recommended menus: sour Apple wire

Material: Fuji apples in half, green pepper, sweet pepper 15 g 15 grams, a little red pepper, white vinegar, sugar, salt and a little.


Apple wash cutting, soaked in brine. Then rinse with cool water to water reserve, Lek. Green pepper, sweet pepper, red pepper wash cut wire, and add seasoning mix shredded apples.

Dietitians Sifanghua: because Apple slim intake of protein, protein deficiency is too low can cause the body's muscle loss (including offal of smooth muscle), and muscle is the main body calories, reduction in muscle and organ heat less consumption, fat easier to pile up, so Apple slim down instantly rebound, it is recommended that you want to use Apple's MM, weight loss or to a balanced diet, by regulating the body inner balance to weight loss.

  Ldquo; purple rdquo; fruit ldquo; fruit of Jane rdquo;

Friday, a day of rest, you need to add more vitamins, then come to eat grapes.

Recommended menus: grape green juice slimming milkshake

Ingredients: grape moderation, milk a box


Grape without peeling, hand the grape naturally blended with broken. Down on a box of milk, if you feel that smell slightly acid, can fit plus a little

Sugar, put in the fridge, the better.

Dietitians Sifanghua: grape grape polyphenols (PoIyphen0Is) have antioxidant, inhibiting free gene hyperplasia, effective anti-aging. The grape nut to soften skin, making skin nourishing moisturizing. In addition, the grape of the pulp contains vitamin and mineral rich, deep moisturizing and anti-aging and skin cells more students. Not only can you lose fat, cosmetic result or belittled. (Source: PConline Photography Department)

Additional reading:

  Woman gold weight loss phase of what to eat

  Weight loss will eat fruit sector seven Queen

  Fast and effective weight loss recipes 3 days thin 9 kg

  gt;gt;gt; Look more weight loss method

Summer weight loss is not missing three recipes

  夏季减肥 不可缺少三大食谱

  Shrimp Fried bitter gourd

【 Material】 bitter one, a little shrimp.

1, wash the momordica charantia, half-open, digging in the flesh.

2, will be bitter melon cut into thin slices.

3. wash the filter dry shrimp.

4. heat oil in a pan, put the fried shrimp turn evenly.

5, put into a bitter over fried uniform.

6, salt, chicken essence condiment.

Bitter melon with slimming, anti-cancer, anti-diabetes. Bitter melon and rich in vitamins B, C, calcium, iron, etc., Li said ldquo; apart from momordica charantia with evil heat, solution of Lao spent, Qingxin eyesight, Yiqi Yang rdquo; effect. According to the study found that it has significant hypoglycemic effect, there is a certain effect on diabetes. It also has some antiviral capacity and anti-cancer effect. Balsam PEAR cooked food t, raw-cold, therefore the spleen weihan ' should not be eaten. In addition, the pregnant women should shenshi. A bitter gourd contains 0.4% expensive gold weight loss effects composition mdash mdash;; as a result of high energy. I only eat a few root balsam, no matter how you eat, how to sleep will not be fat.

  Lily fried pumpkin

【 Material】 pumpkin in half, Lily, 4 3 g, salt, oil 15ml

1. cut the pumpkin in half-open, go to the skin, excavated in the flesh, cut into very thin appropriate tablet.

2, Lily Peel into flap, remove the brown parts outside, wash.

3. fire to cook in the Shui, placed in Lily flap-boiled hot bails out two minutes, and drain water.

4. put the oil in a frying pan, Cook-70% hot into pumpkin slices, fried uniform.

5. join the right amount of water slightly before the pumpkin, fire boiled Braised small fire seven minutes to pumpkin ripe soft.

6, there are a small sauce pot, put in two minutes, Lily stewed with salt, fire roasted over two minutes your dry soup plate.

Pumpkin with weight loss, blood sugar function. Pumpkin is rich in trace elements, cobalt, and pectin. Cobalt content is high, is not any other vegetables, it is compared to the islet cells necessary for the synthesis of insulin, eat pumpkin trace elements to help control diabetes. Pectin may delay intestinal absorption of glucose and lipid.

Lily with nourishing, peace of mind and resting, blood sugar function. Lily in addition to containing starch, crude protein, fat and calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B1, B2, C and other nutrients, but also contains some special nutrients, such as colchicine and other alkaloids. These components integrated in the human body, not only has good nutrition nourishing power, but also on autumn climate caused by drying in a variety of seasonal diseases have certain control functions.

Chinese speaking Lily with yangxinanshen, runfei cough effectiveness, after weak people ill be very useful.

6种饮食减肥方法 应对不同人群

 Lean meat fried black fungus Yam

【 Material】 Yam 300 g, soak the good Jew's 200 grams.

1, lean meat cutting blades, combined with the soy sauce, cooking wine, water, starch preserved more than ten minutes.

2. cut the blades alternate Yam.

3, fungus soak soft water, the root of the plucked to tear into small, clean.

4. heat oil in a pan, put the sliced meat fried-full color changing over, out of standby.

5. Pan back a little oil, placed in turn fried Yam, fungus, combined with a little water evenly over fried until cooked.

6. stir fried pork with turn into uniform, salt, chicken essence condiment.

Yam has a slimming, lowering blood sugar function. Yam Yam also known, Rhizome. Sexual-ping, taste sweet. The tuber is rich in a variety of essential amino acids, protein and starch, mucus, allantoin, choline, fiber, fat, vitamins A, B2, C and calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, minerals, provides human variety must be of nutrition.

Yam and most major characteristic is able to supply large amounts of mucus protein the body. This is a type of polysaccharide-protein, can play a special role in health care, can prevent the cardiovascular system, maintains the adipose deposits in the arteries of elasticity, prevents premature atherosclerosis occurs, reduce subcutaneous fat deposition, avoid obesity.

Therefore, Chinese Yam is a very ideal weight loss fitness food. Chinese Yam for women, it contains enough fiber, consumption will produce enough to control eating zhanggan desire,

Is a kind of natural slimming food. Secondly, the Yam is itself a highly nutritious, low-calorie foods that can safely be eaten without fat.

Auricularia has beauty, slimming, anticancer function. Black fungus contain protein, fat, carbohydrate, not only is the essential nutrients, is also the Foundation for their beauty. It enters the body, beta-carotene into vitamin a, ritzy skin hair.

Lecithin in the body can make the body fat is fat yezhi State, conducive to completely consume in the body, body fat, the fat distribution is reasonable, the body. Cellulose promote intestinal peristalsis, promoting fat excretion, and help to lose weight. (Source: PConline Photography Department)

Additional reading:

  Summer weight loss recipes 2 weeks minus 16 kg

  20 fast food easily lose weight Burns

  Colorful fruits help you one week weight loss program success

  gt;gt;gt; Look more weight loss method

Eat in order to let you keep perfect build

  夏季减肥 不可缺少三大食谱

In fact, about the weight loss news are always evolving, the Internet as long as the search for weight loss, a lot of news will appear in front of you. Society for weight loss and the news is very much like the 70 kg fat girl accused of being too forced departure of this category of social news.

It seems to lose weight has become the world, the people's common topic. But most people lose weight, motivation, much to the aesthetic appearance and neglected the 「introduction obesity 」 has on human health have a greater impact. In order to meet the public does not want to exercise, and want a quick weight loss of lazy demand on the market, also appears many principles of unknown weight loss methods, weight loss claims to have the magic are, in this case, the public's health is facing major threats.

While many people trying to lose weight after a short while after the enjoyment of their body weight as found and uncontrolled slowly back up, can't start disheartening, but in fact, as long as when choosing to eat a meal.

  1. soup many people eating habits is the first after eating soup, but does not bounce a fat meal order is the first soup. This is to let you quickly increase before has been satisfied, while warm blood reflux of stomach, so to help digestion in the stomach. And eat soup, preferably choose clear soup, do not select the soup (because of the higher-calorie soup), not a too big mouth, but small mouth small mouth slowly drink. This one will fill your stomach is already full to half.

  2. eat fruits and vegetables vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber, and drink the soup after eating vegetables and fruit can fill belly, increase job satisfaction. If you can eat salad or dessert without oil in fruits and vegetables is better, because less oil, heat will be lower; but if you eat fried vegetable oil, we suggest that you first Lek among vegetable juice or oil to eat, can reduce the heat.

  3. meat meat, fish or eggs is a high protein and high fat foods, dietary balance must intake, but also to select boiled, stewed, steamed, low oil cooking ways of pharynx, chew, swallow big bang is strictly prohibited.

  4. dinner food rich in carbohydrates and low in calories and not placed in the final purpose of eating on the one hand, to maintain the nutritional balance, on the other hand you can eat less to reduce calorie intake. In addition, you want to eat less food, fried rice, oil and high-fat cooking rice to nutrient-rich, low-calorie cereals as staple food during weight loss. Four meals of the order is actually very simple but also very used, just completed for women weight loss can under this order yourself to eat more healthy, eat a good figure. (Source: PConline Photography Department)

Additional reading:

  Summer weight loss recipes 2 weeks minus 16 kg

  20 fast food easily lose weight Burns

  Colorful fruits help you one week weight loss program success

  gt;gt;gt; Look more weight loss method
