Dietary fibre helps you get rid of weight loss rebound nightmare
Weight loss challenge is not to thin down, but to thin down after the rebound. Today we recommend some effective weight loss diet tips, let us learn how to get rid of dietary fiber to completely lose weight rebounding. Intimate care After 3: 00 PM do not touch the starchy food 6: 00 PM dinner finished eating before 4 hours before bed no longer eating Happy feast of hidden behind-obesity In fact, unless you are born to eat no fat body and otherwise believe that most people have experienced weight loss or weight management experience! on and whenever lost to an ideal figures, it is worth having fun is, you can begin to return to normal diet! but hellip; don't take lightly, because immediately the hellip; may be fearful of fat problem! Warning: eating out family generally faced with dietary fiber intake shortage! Want to have fun, and to complement the nutrients the body, but also to maintain good build, here we like to share a high fiber diet method! For eating out in the modern and more frequently, generally have dietary fiber intake shortage problem!, however, we know that? dietary fiber for gastrointestinal health and functioning in fact is very important. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Additional reading: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Some women will eat delicious anti-aging food |
The benefits of dietary fiber 1. to increase their sense of Dietary fiber allows food to stay in the stomach time to grow, slow gastric emptying time, and the food and fiber in the stomach, so when volume expansion is easily satisfied. 2. increase calorie consumption And it will increase stomach digestion and absorption of food consumed by the heat, so you can help control weight. 3. good for solving problems subian It helps digestion, peristalsis, and the role of soft it, good for solving problems subian. |
Convenient, instant drinks preferred health high fiber oat cereal milk
Suggest to you, you can choose from a convenience store to buy in to Instant Oatmeal cereal with milk, to replace our daily one meal!
In addition to good nutrition of soy milk, and have the complete oat grain yo! this is available only to complete oat grains of instant drinks.
Dietary fiber content = 0.85 bright cabbage = three salad
Most importantly, this bottle of oat cereal milk dietary fiber content, almost identical to what you eat 0.85 out cabbage or lettuce salad of third of yo!
And oat contain a beta;-grape gathering of dietary fiber, sugars can interfere with the absorption of the human body for cholesterol, may reduce the body's total cholesterol and bad cholesterol. (Source: PConline photography tribal)
Monday, February 14, 2011 |
Easy weight loss slimming celery-greater whitening
Today we find ldquo; fish and bear paw rdquo; all at the same time, want to thin and whitening of babes eating celery is not afraid of the dark, HA HA HA! celery help you lose weight, how can MM mouth watered by Miss it. nbsp; Cooking method (two copies) Material: celery (5 root), lean meat (3 two), garlic (3 flap) Seasoning: oil (2 tablespoons), soy sauce (3 tablespoons) and vinegar (2 tablespoons), monosodium glutamate (1/4 tablespoon), salt (1/2 tablespoons), sugar (1/2 tablespoons), water (4 tablespoons) 1, wash away head celery leaves cut into segments; after a lean slices cut into strips; garlic to clothing shoot shallow cut into chopped garlic. 2. boil half pot of boiling water, will join the celery into paragraph 2 minutes, and drain water from their cool. 3. pour the oil into the pot 2 tablespoons roasted pork with heat, pour over fried thirty seconds. 4, plus 4 tablespoons of water, 3 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1/4 tablespoons of MSG, 1/2 tablespoons of salt, 1/2 tablespoons of sugar into the pot and boiled, fried uniform. 5, will; pour into fly over water celery and chopped garlic in a pan, stir fried with shovels up uniformly to wok. Additional reading: Non-thin is not weight loss packages let you burn |
nbsp; Art tips 1, celery is a flavored unique vegetables, salad or fried food. 2, celery and roughly divided into celery and parsley, celery leaves less was pale green, short stature, delicate and fragrant light, easy to soften; celery leaves large, green and petiole, tall and strong flavor. 3. choose the celery, should pick vegetables stalk short and stocky lettuce leaves and green and scarce; fresh celery, never to see whether the flat blade, fresh celery is flat, kept long celery, the leaf tip is tilted, the leaves turn yellow soft, even from the rusty stain. 4, celery and rabbit meat with food can cause hair loss; and chicken with food, be debilitating; and turtle with food can cause poisoning. (Source: PConline photography tribal) |
Monday, February 14, 2011 |
1 ~ 7 digital weight loss diet eat out of the devil figure
Similarly, there are certain foods have more to eat more fat women, but weight is moderate, because food matching is a scientific and rational. Accordingly, the dietitians recommend a suitable for Chinese women diet weight loss recipes. nbsp; A fruit Eat vitamin fresh fruits at least 1, consistently receive significant weight loss results. The second plate of vegetables Two-up every day eat a variety of diverse vegetables, do not eat a vegetable, day must have a plate of fresh vegetables are in season, the dark green color. Some of the best raw onion, tomatoes, salad with celery, radish, tender lettuce leaf, etc. to avoid heating cooking on vitamins A, B1, and so on. Daily intake of vegetables should be kept in 400 grams. Additional reading: Table of ldquo; traffic lights; weight loss need to grasp rdquo |
Three scoops of oil Daily cooking oil limited to 3 spoons, and the best food oil, vegetable oil, this type of unsaturated fat on shaping the slim shape useful. Four Bowl rough rice Every day the 4 cereals rice bowl can strong body beauty beautiful figure. To overcome on finishing the staple food of the hobby, resist the temptation of delicious snacks. 五份 Protein foods 50 grams a day to eat meat, of course, the best is lean meat. 50 grams of fish, tofu or 200 grams of bean, egg 1, milk or dried milk powder 1 Cup. This low-fat diet of plant proteins in non-high-fat animal protein, or plant protein diet small amounts of animal protein, is not only affordable, but also animal fat and cholesterol relative reduction, is recognized as a thin cooking mode. |
Six kinds of flavourings Delicacies and other main condiments, as the daily cooking ranks |
Seven cups of boiling water (or tea, soups)
Drink a cup of water of not less than 7, to complement the humoral, promote metabolism, enhance health. Note to drink sugar or drink with pigment. (Source: PConline photography tribal)
Monday, February 14, 2011 |
Smart diet method resolution 7 large gourmet temptations
Scenario 1: absent-minded eat Have you seen delicious snack without movable? when food before us, in particular small snacks, we generally can not resist the temptation of it. Even if we have had dinner, but when you see the food, or will it just caught into the mouth. We want to lose weight, we should stop this kind of mindless eating habits. As long as is breakfast, lunch and dinner eat food outside can be categorized as ldquo; mindless eating rdquo;. You have to do is when the dinner to eat, then don't give excuses to yourself and then to touch other snacks. Scenario 2: morning meeting Morning meeting, you may see the table on the sweet ring, pies and tea. But you should ask yourself whether it is really very hungry. If you have already eaten breakfast, then you should not have to touch the food. If you do not eat it, you can get a sweet ring. But the next best at home yourself prepare healthier breakfast to lose weight, or your weight loss may cause a great cause. Additional reading: Autumn diet master at ldquo; traffic lights rdquo; |
Scenario three: free to try eating Supermarket often there will be a free try eating activities, there are many food samples delivery. You should keep in mind the principle: when you sit down to eat. If you encounter the promotional free food, you have to say it's a good idea to put in the bag, when you have a place to sit and eat them. Mdash mdash;; think of it this way, you tend to refuse to try eating activities. Free try eating activities in General in order to attract consumers whose taste most of the rich spicy. So in a supermarket not to easily walk into the discussion for the counter. Scenario four: leftover meals When the table was also remaining bread, rice, soup and other food, do you feel a chuckle: also you can eat more. Especially in the restaurant, you may have eaten, but think their own pay for food, so you picked up a knife and fork began to fill the food in my mouth. In fact, when you order should not ldquo; less; multiple rdquo, point less can then point to order, but you may be afraid of wasting and wronged their own weight. |
Scenario five: Office birthday party
The Office has also been a birthday, so a large cake aroma spray people in the eyes. If you're hard on a diet to lose weight, do not eat, do not expect myself to eat a bite is enough. Try a cake seems to struggle in the cliffs, a careless will fall into an abyss.
If you talk to colleagues in advance indicates your weight loss program, no one will force you to eat cake. In addition, you can also propose we hold buffet and not have to eat the cake. At the buffet, you'll have more good reasons not to touch the high fat and high energy food.
Scenario six: there are a lot of food in the fridge
When you open the refrigerator, you accidentally discovered the day before in Italy there is a big bowl of noodles. Not to eat, you should put all may lure your food into the refrigerator inside them altogether. In this way, you can out of sight for the net.
The arrangement of the fridge should be fruit and vegetables on the outermost, meat and pasta should use fresh-keeping film wrapped and placed in a relatively obscure location.
Scenario 7: dinner party
A small dinner party always make people happy, but when you are going to be careful when losing weight. When everyone around you in gourmet, you will always have with ldquo; or don't eat rdquo; fight against this problem.
You can eat, but preferably vegetable and fruit. As for drink, as long as it is not a sugar high fruit juices and alcoholic beverages, are acceptable.
If you eat too much, your next day's diet is halved. Otherwise, your weight loss plan only castles in the air. (Source: PConline photography tribal)
Monday, February 14, 2011 |
Downsizing dinner three dishes and a soup diet is simple
Came home from work, and your sweetheart dinner. Don't want to get you starve even, cannot require you to follow your appetite with a drink of water. Downsizing DINNER three dishes and a soup, not hungry, so you can lean down. nbsp; Fried mussels Materials (2): Mussel (mussel) 360 g, 5 petals, onion garlic 1 chili pepper 1 root root, nine-storey tower, 50 grams, salad mix, 2 1 big spoonful of soy sauce, vinegar 1/2 big spoonful, sugar 1/2 package, starch mix 1/2. Practices: wash the mussels, especially bearing in mind that meat and shells contain sand; Peel Garlic, chopped onion and pepper diced, nine-storey tower picked old stalk; Oil to heat in the frying pan, add the garlic, onion, sweet pepper and blasting; Add mussels and soy sauce and other ingredients to join Pan Fried 1 minute, then into the nine-storey tower mixed fried uniformly. Additional reading: Non-thin is not weight loss packages let you burn |
nbsp; Bean sprouts Braised bamboo shoots Materials (2): green bamboo shoots 300 g, 50 g bean sprouts, water 2 cups, sesame oil, salt, a few drops on 1 table spoon 1 big spoonful, soy sauce, sugar 1/2 package. Practices: bamboo shoots with washed and cut into chunks, hob with water to a small fire to cook for 20 minutes, then add soy sauce and sugar boiled behalf to collect stem that is sung to the stock in the dishes on the Central, spray a little sesame oil; Wash the latter picked old stem, with hot water on hot, and salt, mix, you can savour Sheng to sunzi around. Note: no bean sprout season can be used in place of pea seedlings. |
nbsp; Seaweed salad Materials (2): 100 grams of kelp silk, garlic, pepper 1 2 flap, 1 big spoonful of soy sauce, vinegar, salt, mix the 2 1/4 teaspoon, 1/4 teaspoon monosodium glutamate, sugar 1/2 package, the number of drops of oil. Practices: garlic, hot pepper shot flat |
Half pot boiling water and Cook, will put the hot kelp silk, about 2 minutes, pull out into big with batching, mixing bowl.
Emerald soup
Materials (2): chicken breast meat protein 70 g, 80 g, 50 g, spinach soup 3 cup. 1/4 teaspoon salt, MSG 1/4 teaspoon, 1 big spoonful of starch, 1 table spoon of water.
Practices: chicken breast meat rotten into meat mud;
Wash spinach, scalded by hot water slightly bails out, soak in cold water to avoid discoloration, cool, spinach and water pouring out broke, Blender with gauze filter to water;
Protein scattered, with chicken, spinach and salt, monosodium glutamate and mix;
Soup Cooking Hob, starch and water mix, then the protein spinach into rolling soup, boiled stirred to a turquoise green crushed granulated.
Plain rice 375 grams (about 2 bowls, 2 person) (source: PConline photography tribal)
Monday, February 14, 2011 |