Six ways to save the infatuation high calorie foods you
4 p.m. every day, always have a voice jumped into my brain, the noise downstairs vending machines in a small snack, a read to me. In addition, the sound also quietly said, this week is the week with pressure, you can eat fried tortillas, in addition, some more crackers of potato chips. Think about it, I've had a relatively healthy lunch, and a small packet of small snacks. When you go to the front of the vending machine, immediately press the a button for fried biscuit packages, and comfort myself, I can start tomorrow, and then care for weight loss. However, tomorrow. Do not know if you have such an experience, every afternoon, the annoying sound is always on time, and often this sound requests always succeed. The food and drink, are becoming blind, "a book's author, psychologist Susan middot; Cerne said: ldquo; use reason to control himself, and eating are always choose healthy food, this is one of the most general way. Moreover, such people are usually also performs a comparison strict diet plan, once near the dessert, food, will be on the verge of collapse of willpower. When eating, many people have taken or release, or a complete ban on attitude. The result is: in the latter case, you will become a pure health eating, for instance, the light to eat oatmeal and beans (this is very hard to do); in other cases, you will become a completely unhealthy eating, ice cream and pizza-eating; mdash mdash; every time you want to indulge yourself, you are always able to find an excuse. rdquo; The correct time to eat on the author, psychologist Pavel middot; somovo pointed out, or relax and eat, or completely forbidden to eat attitude, it is easy to let us in diet control do naught. If you always say to yourself: ldquo; this is the last time I indulged myself, tomorrow I will certainly not overeating. Rdquo; day after day, your control forces increasingly weak and, finally, you can not change anything. We interviewed a related expert, lists six classic psychological situation. They address these psychological situation, a number of suggestions were made. Maybe you can learn how to ease the anxiety, but not fool ourselves to eat some harmful health high calorie snack. First, this is what I deserve Classic scenario: morning, you have to go to the healthy House had to sweat exercise, also only had a plate of salad, colleagues at work puts you, but you can also control your temper. The dinner time, you want to eat a big brown, cakes, desserts as after dinner. You say to yourself, this is my now due. Solution: to enjoy a dinner and the awards themselves, these two things. Cerne said: ldquo; people often get a big meal as a reward. In fact, this is a form of punishment. Rdquo; she pointed out, those that work better to indulge yourself, and for dinner it sounds ridiculous, is not your job to do well, you don't eat dinner? also, there also was a vicious circle, you will always find an excuse to eat a big meal. In order to break the pattern, if done well, you can give yourself some incentive for non-food. You can select objects, like a pair of new earrings or a simple pleasure, for instance, allow yourself to work a little more rest. Located in the city of Tucson Mirabal resort Dietitians Julie middot; road Paniagua said that when you enjoy a delicious dinner, don't go with anything, not kaolao himself, nor is the celebration of the victory. You only need to recognize that this is what I want to eat a particular food or supplement nutrients the body needs. Do not need to take this as a reward or punishment. |
nbsp; Second, my bad mood today Classic scenario: now is at 10 p.m., managed to finish all overtime work, you can breath. At this point, tired, you want to eat some delicious, so from the refrigerator produced a large cup of chocolate ice cream, all finished. |
In order to break this pattern, sometimes you want to allow your emotional eating. However, when you do, you want to have some self care, for example, just sit down and tell myself to chew swallow. In addition, adjust their emotions. In this way, you will be able to ease the pressure on the part of the tired and without excessive overeating. Finally, eating before, try to relax. Take a few moments to breathe deeply several times, and point a few candles, aromatherapy or on some soft music, can improve your mood, but does not need to eat a lot of food. Of course, you can eat a delicious biscuits, but do not eat a whole box of cookies.
Third, I was too busy, no time to eat
Classic scenario: work also requires extra work overtime, in addition, older parents in need of care. You know you need to eat healthily, but you have to do, is too much, then add one more thing, it will be difficult to maintain balance.
Solution: Cerne, take some small steps, without thinking about for a long time, or spend too much effort. When you are living too burdened, also adhere to the rules and a lot of weight loss program, life becomes more complex. To perform a weight loss program does not require drastic changes, for example, in your bag drop an Apple. In this way, you'll get ready for some healthy snacks. Or, to change eating habits when attacked. You will find a healthy diet is very natural to do that, without the need for you to handle the Affairs of another column on the list that you want to eat healthily.
4. I have already spent money
Classic scene: when you have paid a buffet of money, you tell yourself, if I cannot, as far as possible, eat a little more, I'll waste of money.
Solution: in considering your budget when you want to heat food, instead of food prices. Cerne, study confirmed that food species rich buffet, easy to state change of diet. Buffet of people often think that I have spent the money, I have to learn as much as they can pay me money to eat come back. But in fact, you should try to focus on the food calories instead of food and to spend money on. This principle for free food also applies, for example, work meetings called by Pisa, or is the school's free meals small biscuits.
5. today is a special day
Classic scenario: today is another colleague's birthday, although this week is the third time, everyone around the table and began to eat birthday cake. Because this is a celebration ceremony, so that you allow yourself to eat a piece.
Solution: difference everyday celebrations and truly special celebration. Recently often have a dinner, a special celebration, to avoid participating in this dinner. However, once a month, with your best friend for a long-awaited, Christmas dinner, or when your mother baked a super delicious cakes. You can allow yourself a bit of indulgence. Also, food is not the most core, it is important to taste the cuisine of the process, talk to friends and family of Exchange and communication that can let you get more enjoyable experience.
If you would prefer in the Office party or a dinner to eat in crazy coworkers sea, drink, be sure to remind yourself: ldquo; I do not have to participate in all of the parties. Rdquo; when a truly special day arrives, a good plan, right amount to eat.
6. This is the last time I indulged myself
Classic scenario: you intend to eat roughage tomorrow, no longer eat fine food. So, tonight, first point a pizza or a cake, indulge himself one last time.
Solution: no longer perform ldquo; to let go and eat, or completely forbidden to eat rdquo; weight loss strategy. Road Paniagua: ldquo; restricted eating is a trap. Whenever you are determined to cut 10 catty, maybe you are the first to give up your favorite foods. Rdquo; however, a diet just short to be effective, so you're back in weight loss programmes on self-deception. If your weight loss program you madly want to eat pizza, then this weight loss program, it will be difficult to sustain.
Want to eat healthily, and not completely give up your favourite food, it is entirely possible. If you have a cafe near you to quit the carrot cake, so that every few months, you can schedule a time to eat yourself. Together with a good friend, the edges on the side, slightly on the component control, so that my ability to fully enjoy the delicious, but don't look for any excuse. (Source: PConline Photography Department)
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Saturday, December 25, 2010 |
Make color control appetite ten truth
Truth a these colors food, we don't like the blue, purple, black, black We usually avoid the blue, purple, black and black food because we habitually think these food will turn bad or harmful to human health. In daily life, the color of the food, can see Blueberry, blackcurrant and eggplant. Some food this is the color, but later was dyed these colors, still have this effect. There was the famous candy company received many complaints about being forced to withdraw has launched a bright blue candy. Truth II blue food anyone exclusion? Blue food continues to win most of appetite for food. A study done in the following experiment: ask some people's favorite food is what you want, and then put these foods dyed blue, and then let them eat. Results show that, even if the taste of food is very good, and these blue food or have no appetite. Truth III most check the color red human appetite Red is the best way to check the colors of the human appetite. Red food (and Red itself) will stimulate the appetite, but also to give a vibrant feel. If your appetite is poor, so take some red things to your food. There are red seats restaurant effect is clear, when you sit down to eat, it will make you hungry. I used to have trouble with anorexia, not good eating, hungry after a snack, but red seat big help. Truth 4 yellow also improves appetite Yellow is the color of the stimulation of appetite, because it is often associated with happiness. Did you notice that some restaurants will install yellow paint window or on the yellow flowers on the table? this warm colors will make you feel more popular, more hunger. Truth 5 visual aid is important If you change often drink color, most people will not be able to recognize your own drinks. Washington University has done a lot about how color affects the taste. In a research project, the participants taste the drink, and be able to see the true colors, soft drinks, they are always able to correctly identify the taste of the drink. However, when they cannot see the color of the drink, they'll make mistakes. For example, when not let participants see color, only 70% of the people, try out it is a grape beverages, 15% of people believe is the citric acid. Only 30% of the tasteful cherry drinks one believes it is cherry. Most people think that cherry juice is the citric acid. |
Truth six Green stands for health? No matter what the food, as long as the green color is apt to be equivalent to health food. This is because the safety of food products are usually green, such as lettuce, apples and cucumber. Many people believe that the majority of green food without the risk of death, you can eat. So we would really like to eat any green thing, we tend to assume that the green food is healthy. Truth 7 Orange food secrets People eat Orange food usually cautious, because the Orange and anger. Very few natural orange food, such as curry with orange spice food is often referred to as the anger of food. Truth eight most promotes human appetite for packaging As a result of McDonald's Corporation use color, McDonald's red and yellow packaging was chosen as the best food packaging. The two colors will increase hunger, but also very friendly and the unforgettable. Truth nine in your fridge to play Blu-ray Experts suggest that when you need a diet when you can play Blu-ray in the refrigerator because it will let you do not like to eat. You can also try to have a blue decoration of the kitchen, or with some blue and fork. This will be on a diet has been of great help and will give you a very modern kitchen. Truth 10 white and snacks White food is easy to select and make people forget that it also contain calories. This is why it |
Now you know the tricks, trying to be color psychology applied to places where you need it. Want to help your friends to eat more? then select red and yellow food and Red dishes. Want to lose weight? then use blue dishes, and avoid buying white food. (Source: PConline Photography Department)
Additional reading:
Crazy thin meals let you stand to lose 30 pounds
Eat roughage health lose weight fast thin 5 kg in January
9 restaurant slimming rule is not a diet too thin nbsp;
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Saturday, December 25, 2010 |
4 DIY diet specially to eat easy thin
Oatmeal jelly yogurt Any weight loss program, start the day with a nutritious and balanced breakfast, are very critical and necessary. Because research has shown that people who eat breakfast the day consumes less than 100 card thermal and weight than people who don't eat breakfast to light. Records indicate that the weight loss success of people, of which nearly 80 per cent of the daily breakfast. In addition, a nutritious breakfast is able to provide enough glucose to your brain, make your mind clear and brain active until noon. Take a look at a cereal bar, yogurt and fruit jelly only 255 calories. This is the road suitable for long-term consumption of breakfast menu, it can help you reduce the amount of heat, about 220 cards, add a year is the 20 pounds! Cooking time: 5 minutes Material: low-fat cereal 50 grams, Blueberry Raspberry or other satellites, low-fat class 30 Vanilla Yogurt 75 grams. Practices: will all three material layered into glass. Each approximately 255 card containing: calorie, protein 10 g, carbohydrate 47 g, full-fat 3 g (including 2 g saturated), fiber 5 g, cholesterol 12 mg, sodium 160 mg Guava yogurt specially take Milk enriched with calcium, calcium can be used as a natural slimming products, because scientists conjecture high calcium foods can inhibit Calcitriol mdash mdash;; an increase in the fat cells and increased fat deposits of hormones. Tennessee University researchers found that the consumption of dairy products for weight loss in 6 months of weight in the minus is no intake of high calcium food 2 times. Dairy products in addition to losing weight, and can slow down aging and osteoporosis on osteoporosis, the study also showed that they can reduce the chance of stroke and diabetes. In order for your body to consume fat, you need a daily intake of at least 1000 ml of milk products. Preparation time: preparation time: 5 minutes Raw material: pomegranate 1, Strawberry 50 grams. Seasoning: low-fat yogurt 150 ml. Practices: 1. seeds and pomegranate stripping, wash the strawberries to te, into the juicer squeezed into juice and pour into cups. 2. pour into yogurt, mix well. Each of the approximately 250 cards containing: calorie, protein 6 g, carbohydrate 52 g, full-fat 2 g (1 g saturated), fiber 5 grams, 8 mg, sodium and cholesterol 110 mg |
Colorful fruits and vegetables Vegetables and fruit is the best food to lose weight is used. Like to eat fruits and vegetables than rarely eat fruits and vegetables of average daily calorie intake to less 511. Want to increase the speed of weight loss, you should set the daily amount of fruits and vegetables to improve mdash mdash; twice; of course three times better. Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 40 minutes Ingredients: 100 g, 20 g, carrot, tomato, onion, 20 g 30 g, Sauce: garlic olive oil 1 teaspoon, 1 flap, red wine vinegar and 2 teaspoons, salt, Laurel leaves, dill the slightly. Practices: 1. sugar beet, carrot, peeled and cut strips. Wash the tomatoes, chopped onion. Crushed garlic shoot. 2. pan fire heat the olive oil, Add onion fried soft, sprinkle with large garlic fried half a minute, then subsequently poured into the tomatoes fried 5 minutes. 3. sugar beet, carrots and Laurel leaf, red wine vinegar, salt and mix by adding pan fire boil cover lid, with about 30 minutes. 4. take off the Laurel leaf sheng, and finally sprinkle with dill decoration. Tip: there are red beet juice, Didi cleans up well, so do the dish you better wear rubber gloves and finished to immediate cleaning gloves. Each of the approximately 160 cards containing: calorie, protein, 5 g, carbohydrate 27 g, full-fat 5 g (1 g saturated), fibre 6 g, cholesterol 5 mg, NA, 920 mg Crispy cabbage Put your love of potato chips |
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 12 minutes
Ingredients: 100 g purple cabbage.
Seasoning: salt and oil.
1. set the oven to 350 ° c warm up for 10 minutes.
2. in the meantime, the removal of hard purple cabbage stems, the leaves torn piece, tile into the baking tray, spray with spray oil jugs on a thin layer of oil, sprinkle with salt.
3. put in the oven preheated well baked 12 ~ 15 minutes, crisp, toasted yellow.
Each approximately 15 card containing: calories, 1 g protein, 3 grams of carbohydrates, full-fat 0 g, fiber 1 g, cholesterol 0 mg, sodium 175 mg (source: PConline Photography Department)
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Can be reduced to 20 pounds of weight loss of 10 magic method
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Saturday, December 25, 2010 |
9 restaurant slimming rule is not a diet too thin
Slimming rule 1 Familiar with the menu before going out You can comment on the net on a variety of cuisine from what you are about to go to the menu of the restaurant, have a deeper understanding of the most healthy after choosing the most thin, but like some food, but be sure to remember oh! when you go to a restaurant, you will find that you have knowledge of the main points of the food, not so easy to be confused. Slimming rule 2 Abstinence staple For carbohydrate lovers, rice, macaroni, noodles, dumplings, Italy those addicted staple food is simply want to thin your hell. And eat more carbohydrates, dewlap is longer in the stomach, so you must think twice. Suggest that you go out to eat, and friend, really do not eat rice rdquo ldquo;; because the downsizing of natural enemies first is sweet, the second is the staple food. Slimming rule 3 See high-fat keywords you want to stop ... The words beginning with the food oil to note: cream and all related words, butter, a removal of many oil olive oil to food, sauces, etc. Unless you have been the reason for many days, is to take this opportunity to relax, otherwise it is best to avoid the collision. Because these materials are not necessarily so delicious, but fat is multiplied. Slimming rule 4 Food DIY Many MM like frying, juicy food. You'll know how bold innovation, with the time and courage to speak to the restaurant's menus. General in point after meals, the waiter will care to ask: what were forbidden? this time you should not waste his enthusiasm, you want to talk to him less fuel, Moka don't cream etc, all you can think of, reducing calories without losing the delicious transformation. You save money, they help the restaurant would be happy. |
Slimming rule 5 You can eat meat or The villagers don't be lured to the fried chicken, steamed, fried flavor is also very good, even grilled instead of fried. If you want to eat meat, it is necessary to limit the eating experience, there is a more important point: peeled! if you really want to eat fried, white meat, always better than red meat. Preferably choose chicken, pork and beef week flyhigh two or three times, remember to clean lean Oh! Slimming rule 6 Get appetizer when staple You know, take the former vegetable, vegetables, a cold dish when staple food not only complete control component that can save you a lot of money. But only eat before meal really too contrived? friends would say you pack, of course, you then add a plate of salad, Western restaurant, salad it is best not to put. Recommended food high fibre vegetable salad. To soup diet good calories always relatively low nutrient enough, especially for women, nourishing home. However, if this is the point of Western-style soup, remember to avoid cream of mushroom soup and the like. Slimming rule 7 Drinking caution Whether it's a meal or dinner drink wine in, no matter what the wine per minute to add some extra heat (just the wine calories) in fact, there is a greater potential hazard: it may even make you eat more. At dinner, or eating meat when drink liquor, will stimulate your appetite, let your appetite better than usual. So the point of a cup of lemon soda water instead of it, but also to promote digestion. Alcoholism is really comes, drink before it opened to a large glass of water, make full, do not want to drink. Slimming rule 8 Go to the toilet Not want you to finish it, so direct, no one can do. Just to let you go to the toilet, as the huge mirror, |
Slimming rule 9
Mini meals are very important
Not want you to eat your restaurant meal, but mini-when you know you have dinner, and the first two meals just remember to eat less. But you also don't overdo it, because when you're hungry when dining yunhuhu, you'll remember what principles, if mini meals make you hungry to hold hold, you can in the afternoon, when to eat red dates, almonds and Apple, have low baofugan, thermal, also capable of suppressing your appetite, Oh! (Source: PConline Photography Department)
Additional reading:
Crazy thin meals let you stand to lose 30 pounds
Eight kinds of fruits and vegetables to teach you the science of cooking
5 method 5 tips to easily enjoy a summer skinny
gt;gt;gt; Look more weight loss method
Saturday, December 25, 2010 |
How to lose weight there are ways to eat slowly
Eat fast thin down I eat too fast problem began very early. I was a kid, the speed soon dinner, breakfast, my dishes in bacon suddenly disappeared, thought it was my brother stole. In fact, because I eat too quickly, and eaten, even I have not felt. 30 years later, I was a ravenous eating: soon the Oatmeal porridge for breakfast drink, sit at the desk is tucked away in a sandwich. When the busy day after work, I made a big meal in the evening meal, always very excited, big mouth to mouth started eating, food, little senses of taste. Really wasted so much time to put the food taste transfer so well. My husband and son eat half my plate has hit bottom. Next, I ran to the kitchen installed more to eat, think, think the terrorist. After dinner, I always feel very satisfied, somewhat irritable. This made me start thinking about this topic: if I really loved the food (in fact I really love delicacies), why I cannot slow down and enjoy it? I'm in my house is a minority, however, in the United States there are a lot of people like me: we are quick to eat. In North Carolina Durham Duke medical research institutions of psychotherapists Sasha bull; Lorraine said: ldquo; we are a accustomed fast food nation. Rdquo; she pointed out. No wonder the catering industry has become a very fire, fully meet people need fast food, need quickly eat food. However, often fast food will give health have a serious problem. Lorraine said, eat too fast not only increases the burden on the digestive system and also cause excessive intake of calories, exceeding the maintenance of basic human needs and activities into fat storage. 34% of the United States are obese adults. Almost all of them, can eat from slowing the speed benefit. Try following some of the approaches, now begin to change your eating habits, too soon no longer be on the table of demons attacked. |
Eat before you stop to think In the sitting to the table before you take the time to relax and feel yourself really somewhat hungry, so a simple action to a large extent determine how fast you eat, how much to eat. Lorraine said, when you sit down and think, another family member to help you food (or get you to eat the food in a warm place). Next, ask yourself this question: ldquo; my stomach is not a very empty my leg relax? I really have to sit right? I'm not sitting on the edge of the Chair. Rdquo; Lorraine said: ldquo; this may take up to two minutes of time to really sit properly. Breathe deeply several times, don't hurry up and eat. You need to do is try to relax. Then, for this meal to eat much, set a goal, and then began to eat. rdquo; Mouthful just put your fork once Your brain needs to spend 20 minutes to receive signals already full. Timely adjustment of our body, in the course of the entire meal, bring your appetite to do a record level of the next meal further slow down the speed of the meal. Lorraine said: ldquo; many customers found in every mouthful just fork down, be helpful. If you eat, the more practice on several occasions, mouthful just fork down once, after your dinner you will unknowingly slow, then it will slowly become your habits. rdquo; Change your eating environment People are always very vulnerable to external environmental impacts, dinner. Cornell Food and brand Lab Director Brian Sinclair bull; million, in the study conclude that some hidden factors that will influence our eating habits. The main features are: If we have a candle, on a gentle, slow-paced music restaurant, we may eat more slowly. If we have a very bright place, surrounded by explosive fast-paced music, we are likely to eat faster. In addition, if you talk to a group of people who eat quickly sat together, we can also be flat |
Just to know these hidden factors affect the speed of our dinner, is very helpful. At least you can help us recognize the needs of environment healthy diet, in addition, you can pass control environment to change the speed of the diet. Eat, play slow rhythm, soft music, put on small, beautiful little plate can also be useful. Million Sinclair said: ldquo; we will find that the improvement of the environment, can enable people to better enjoy the food, if you enjoy your food, you will be able to slow down. rdquo;
Million Sinclair research findings, for people like me who likes to gobble is very helpful. At home, I always eat the first start, late finish, and in the dish with a lot of food. Sometimes direct ran to the kitchen to eat, rather than with a family to sit together to eat slowly. I'm not as warm family atmosphere and slow down the speed of the meal.
Turn off some transfer your attention in the media
Many people at dinner time, while watching TV while eating. In this way, you cannot focus on eating, often make us eat too fast, and more than eight minutes before the scheduled full standards. If you want to ask: healthy eating principles are some of the gold? a: dinner, be sure to turn off the TV.
Taste delicious
Maybe you are not very clear, in fact, you eat a bag of potato chips, eat the tomato to the bottom of the bag, these chips already like wood chips, eat 4 mouth, our taste buds had no feeling. Indiana State University psychologist Jane christele said: ldquo; if you are hungry for a taste of feeling will last much longer, however, actually taste of arc or quickly. In some cases, fast food, want to enjoy the delicious is unlikely. rdquo;
Therefore, the next time you are ready to taste the delicious, a good dinner or enjoy a delicious small snacks, be sure to taste buds are feeling, taste the food. Christele said: ldquo; you eat 4 slices of potato chips, and you eat 4 pieces 2 x, 3 x or 4 x the amount of chips, the taste of satisfaction. rdquo;
Slow food, will cause some unexpected results. You will be very surprised to discover that some of you have enjoyed the food, you don't like it. Christele a customer decides to take a taste of her favorite brand crispy bread, the first fully feel the crisp bread in slowly melts on the tongue. Christele ldquo; the said customers thought she should like the crisp bread, but when she slowly eating, she said the biscuits taste is rich, and very salty. After you have finished eating, mouth feel uncomfortable. Rdquo; this kind of very fine feeling helps make people eat less, enjoy eating a lot more fun. Christele ldquo; said this is not because they force yourself to stop, but they get physical signal feedback: I don't like the taste, so we stopped. rdquo; (Source: PConline Photography Department) I want to lose weight successfully : gt;gt;gt;gt; Posted your weight loss goals, let the experts help you More Peppermint Shoushenwang articles
Saturday, December 25, 2010 |