Healthy weight loss 6 mizhao easily become skinny girls
1 do not cool down calories Using very low calorie diet, not a proven weight-loss method. Because the human body has an automated program to maintain normal weight, so if you suddenly from 1000 kcal diet minus calories your body's basic metabolic rate (the body maintain basic physiological functions such as breathing and heartbeat required thermal value) will automatically slow down because the body now that you are hungry. So, how much should be consumed on a daily basis human body heat? depending on the size of your activities. You will be an existing body weight (lbs) multiplied by 11, the result is your daily calorie needs. For example, your weight is 120 pounds, daily normal consumption of calories is approximately 1320 kcal. Unless your height and 5 feet (1.52 m), do not make your daily consumption of calories is less than 1200 kcal. Research has shown that where calories less than the number of women, their basic metabolic rate will decrease by as much as 45%. 2 be sure to eat breakfast Breakfast is in three meals a day and metabolism and weight loss most closely related to the relationship between one meal. Many studies show that breakfast is better than no breakfast are more likely to lose weight. Because people during sleep, metabolic rate is very low, only to then be restored during the meal. So, if you omit the breakfast before lunch, the body cannot burn fat as usual. This is why breakfast intake of 300-400 kcal calorie diet is advisable, because breakfast is the initiator of the metabolism. Researchers at the University of Australia will be high-fat breakfast and high-fiber carbohydrates breakfast results are compared, it was found that those who consume high high, meal hunger time faster. Organism of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates high fiber diet than fatty food grows, so does not cause the blood sugar level with large fluctuations of hunger felt longer. Therefore, breakfast should contain a large number of high-fiber carbohydrates. 3 eat more protein Studies show that intake of adequate protein can improve the body's metabolism levels, makes human daily multi burner 150-200 kcal of calories. Protein is composed of amino acid composition of the body to digest this kind of food is digested fats and carbohydrates and more time-consuming. Therefore, to set their decomposition off you need to burn more calories. Of course, this does not mean that there must be a high-protein diets. However, you should ensure the daily intake of total calories of 10%-35% protein (such as fish, chicken, low fat cheese, yoghurt, beans), this diet is balanced. |
4 increase the number of meals Daily eat small meals or meal than 3 big meal can better maintain the vitality of the metabolism. The time between two meals to be kept in 2-3 hours, and to ensure that every meal must have protein foods, because it is the metabolism of reinforcing agent. For example, if your breakfast high fiber cereals food and fruit, breakfast and lunch between meal should be eaten yogurt and fruit. Lunch to eat 100 grams of chicken (or fish) which includes a green salad. Afternoon snack is edible a banana and a low-fat cheese. Dinner to try to eat less, to 1 100-150 g of chicken, fish or 1 protein foods, plus 1 servings of vegetables. 5 eat ldquo; good rdquo; carbohydrate |
Refined carbohydrates, such as bread, white bread, etc., can cause dramatic swings in insulin levels occur, the corresponding promoted the fat in the body, resulting in storage reduces the body's metabolism rate.
Thus, added carbohydrates, high in fiber is the better, such as vegetables, fruit and wholemeal cereals, etc, they are good ldquo; rdquo; carbohydrates, the effect of food on insulin levels.
6 quit addiction to alcohol
Before dinner drink a glass of cocktail or other spirits? that you hold the wine glass to think twice. Recently, there have been many studies show that meal before drinking can make people more intake kilocalories.
Another study found that the body metabolism in play, the first combustion is the alcohol contained in the heat. In other words, other dietary calories may as fat stored in the subcutaneous.
If you do once they find it, might as well drink wine, each glass of wine contains 80 kcal of calories, and also contains a lot of healthy antioxidants. (Picture source: PConline Photography Department)
Supplementary reading: Breast enhancement diet massage motion 3 steps plim Multi-pronged thigh leg together thin
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Tuesday, December 07, 2010 |
Weight loss recipes specially take 3 meals eaten and lose weight
Lose weight before understanding metabolism Metabolism is your body's digestion and absorption of heat, and excreted metabolites. In General, metabolism slows, accumulations of fat body easier and calories, which is why some people eat very little, or no thin mdash mdash;; metabolic rate is too low, eat less, consume even less, thermal nature slowly accumulate into fat. Improve the metabolism of methods, such as quality and adequate sleep, good mood, regular exercise, etc. In addition, reasonable diet can help you improve the metabolism. Eat more protein improves metabolism: Do not think that eating meat fat, lean meat, protein can accelerate metabolism, as the body needs more energy to consume protein. Many people eat meat weight because meat processing means no, spent a lot of oil, bring extra calories; or the meat itself contains a lot of fat. If we change the diet, the more protein, reduce carbohydrate intake, so consumption of calories daily metabolism can be increased to 150 to 200 calories Oh: every meal Supplement 10 to 20 grams of protein. Breakfast drink a glass of low-fat yogurt can add approximately 13 grams of protein, lunch a legumes can add approximately 10 grams of protein, dinner a fish can add 17 grams of protein. Recommended quality protein foods: chicken, fish, soya beans, soy milk, tofu, soy products, low-fat milk, yogurt, Sesame, walnut, etc. Understand the effect of food on the metabolism, you can yourself with three meals a day diet. |
Breakfast: protein cellulose Diet breakfast mix principle is protein cellulose eat more protein. After a night of sleep, to the day's calories consumed and devote some protein intake can be more, let body be able to quickly absorb enough energy. Best choices: low-fat milk, boiled eggs, no sugar or low sugar soy milk, oatmeal porridge, wholemeal bread, apples, etc. The worst choice: dough, cake, cookies, stuffed bun Lunch: 3: 2: 1 Protein, starch, vegetable and fruit ratio 3: 2: 1. Noon to continue to add energy to 3 protein 2 starch ratio of 1 part fruit, component adequate and there was no burden. Fish, fresh vegetables and rice are safe to eat for lunch. But be sure not to overeating, 7 minutes to lose weight, eat to avoid fried food, such as fried chicken leg, fried chicken wings, etc. The best choice: steamed fish a copy of a bowl of white rice a moderate amount of fruit and vegetables; lean tablets a steamed bun a fruit and vegetable stew with moderation; rice; dried gourd ribs, etc. The worst choice: fried chicken leg, chicken meal, rice, spicy steak, ribs, Curry beef with rice etc. Dinner: eat more fiber, less starch Evening meal activity volume small, the fewer calories. And evening metabolism slows, the proportion of fruits and vegetables to as many as starch, digestion and absorption of the night will not be blocked, roughage fiber rich and starchy, is the staple food of choice for the night. Brown rice, the protein, soy products, and vegetables are a good partner for dinner. Night if you want to eat meat, not more than 3. Best option: Sweet Potato porridge, oatmeal porridge, millet, squash, corn, vegetables, fruits, tofu, small amounts of lean meat The worst choice: big fish meat, big bowl of white rice |
Supplementary reading: Breast enhancement diet massage motion 3 steps plim Multi-pronged thigh leg together thin
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Tuesday, December 07, 2010 |
Weight loss recipes let you build getting thinner skin good 8 kinds of food
1 mdash mdash, lettuce;; to low-fat diet, supplement the missing cellulose The market common spherical heart lettuce, wrinkle cream of lettuce and leafy vegetables that can be counted as a type of lettuce. And another common vegetable cabbage lettuce fibre content than more, eliminate excess fat is very good for weight loss food. In addition, because of lettuce leaves with lettuce, analgesia and hypnotic, lower cholesterol, treatment of neurasthenia, etc. Nutrition Spotlight: rich meat cellulosic energy supplement weight loss method in fiber absorption. 100 g lettuce contains 1.52 grams of dietary fiber. Supplementary Recommendation: in addition to making common lettuce salad, you can store in the refrigerator some wash stripped lettuce, dining, or want to eat something that can be pulled out to eat, at any time to add. 2, mdash mdash; asparagus; to increase the low carb diet, vitamins and trace elements Asparagus but vegetables nobles: Although the price is higher than other vegetables a little expensive, but the taste is fresh and fragrant. And a general vegetable, asparagus contains vegetable fibre is soft and delicious, but also contains more vitamins and trace elements. In addition, the asparagus in rich in folic acid, approximately 5 root asparagus contains 100 micrograms, has reached a daily demand of 1/4. Nutrition Spotlight: eat a plate of asparagus, it is rich in vitamins and microelements can supplement your vitamin deficiency of regret. Supplementary Recommendation: first of all, the best whole root cooked asparagus, to the maximum extent possible maintain nutrition; nutrition, asparagus in the tip, it is best to put the asparagus bound head up cooking to keep nutrition. 3, Zucchini mdash mdash;; clear the yellowish tone, firm was after weight loss This ordinary cheap vegetable, but their nutritional value. Zucchini contain more vitamin C, glucose and other nutrients, especially high calcium content. Moreover, the pumpkin is rich in water, some ritzy skin. Nutrition Spotlight: no matter what diet to follow, people who lose weight are usually felt was yellow, slack skin. Enriched with the moisture content of Zucchini can help you clear the yellowish tone, firm after weight loss, but also your white face. Supplementary Recommendation: Zucchini should not be eaten, cooking it burned too poor to avoid nutritional losses. In addition, cold, summer squash with spleen should eat or be eaten. 4, mdash mdash; tomato; maintaining the skin elasticity and moisture And Zucchini, tomato and water tender love of beauty. Fresh tomato and tomato juice with a moisture content of up to 94%, and in a rich tomato lycopene cardiovascular protective, could cut heart attack. In addition, Nick sour in tomato, able to maintain normal secretion of gastric juice, promote the formation of red blood cells, help maintain the elasticity of the arterial wall and protect the skin. Nutrition Spotlight: want to do is to lose weight and maintain the elasticity of the skin and moisture? well, eat tomatoes when too much of it, it will let you water run fresh, beautiful unlimitedly. Supplementary recommendation and pressed red tomato ripening of fast, natural mature tomato nutrient-rich, very rich taste. Therefore, purchasing, it is best to choose natural mature tomatoes. 5, salmon mdash mdash;; as low-fat diet to complement the high-quality protein For the low-fat diet to follow Ms., eating meat selection may have learned? Nutrient-rich salmon course is our choice. Salmon is a high-protein, low-calorie and healthy food. In addition, it contains many vitamins and calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals, rich in unsaturated fatty acids. In all fish, salmon contains Omega;-3 unsaturated fatty acid up (per 100 g salmon about including 27 grams). Nutrition Spotlight: low-fat diet, protein deficiency do? of course selection is rich in high-quality protein and calories and relatively low salmon. You know, per 100 g salmon is a protein containing 22.3 grams. Supplementary Recommendation: if possible, a week, eat 2 to 3 times salmon best. There is also a waste utilization of simple cooking suggestions: the leftover salmon fillets into salmon porridge. The Salmo shoot dot salt and ginger, pickled for 15 minutes. One-pot cooking with stewed, boiled cooked porridge and later put the fillets in the car, cover the lid off the fire, and after 10 minutes. 6, Strawberry mda |
Vegetable and meat have been recommended, here we have some fruit. Strawberry tasty and nutritious. In addition to containing a variety of vitamins and minerals, the most significant advantages of Strawberry is contains a lot of vitamin C, its content than watermelons, apples, grapes, about 10 times higher. Strawberry nutritional components can easily be human digestion, absorption, eat or cold or thighs.
Nutrition Spotlight: lose weight, most undernourished, therefore, when selecting fruit is even more to select the highest content of vitamin C of strawberry.
Supplementary Recommendation: note to wash the strawberries, don't put off, go to strawberry pedicel pedicle Strawberry if placed in the water immersion, residues of pesticides varies with water entering the fruit inside, cause pollution. Wash the strawberries, preferably light brine or washing washing water soak for 5 minutes and then rinse with tap water continuously, the flow of water to avoid pesticide penetration of fruit.
7, low alcohol wine mdash mdash;; accelerated metabolism nutrition
Wine is usually we consider an unhealthy food. However, a variety of low alcohol wine contains many nutrients. For example, rice wine contains sugar, maltodextrin, organic acids, amino acids and vitamins, wine contains vitamins (B1, B2, B12, C,) sugar and 10 kinds of amino acids and other nutrients, and beer was called ldquo; liquid bread rdquo;, the human body after digestion, which can produce the equivalent of 5 ~ 6 eggs or 500 grams of meat.
Nutrition Spotlight: a small drink a glass of wine, can promote blood circulation, accelerates metabolism. Moreover, the wine still has so much nutrition. For it is to lose weight, is there anything more attractive?
Supplementary Recommendation: remember that builds small wine, took note of the various alcoholic season and temperature. For example, the wine is suitable for winter drink, drinking temperature of 45--C 50deg;. The wine is not seasonal constraints, drinking temperature in 6--18deg; C, beer, is typical of summer drinks, drinking temperature is relatively low, in the following C 10deg;.
8, mdash mdash; Turkey; satisfy appetites and maintain low calorie weight loss news
Build a huge Turkey, its nutrient composition and not because of the shape and large and slightly reduced. Turkey not only meat quality is delicate, light, and nutritional value has a high low ldquo; rdquo; advantages: a high protein content is high, more than 30%; 2 low means fire chicken fat and cholesterol levels are low. Therefore, Turkey but want to lose weight and eat the meat of it is the best choice.
Nutrition Spotlight: 100 g Turkey breasts will contain protein 22.4 g Oh.
Supplementary Recommendation: If you love to eat a sandwich, to do a simple healthy Turkey sandwich. The baguette bread (slender body with block of sandwich materials), cutting in two halves, cut the slice of Turkey. Wash the lettuce, tomatoes, washed slices. The bread spread Turkey slices, according to personal taste over the amount of black pepper. Finally, in Turkey, lettuce and tomato, shop. (Picture source: PConline Photography Department)
Supplementary reading: Massage masseter muscle in two weeks we will be able to face Wolfberry bubble water wild minus 17 kg
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Tuesday, December 07, 2010 |
Weight loss diet health lose weight from late spring dinner
Late spring landscape, how can a small amount of fresh ingredients in season. Today, we introduce some road most spring feeling of fresh cuisine, or the taste of the West in the or, make your choice with the hobby. Let your tristimania, help you resist spring storm, increase your immunity, enhance your spring vitality, lets you do a full of vitality, eclipsed by the beauty of spring also. Xianshu degeneracy when we made, rich in vitamins and fibrous vegetables can significantly enhance the body immunity, rich in vitamin a, yellow-green vegetables can better enhance the resistance. The different vegetables eaten made salad, let nutrition completely preserved, plus a useful body of olive oil and balsamic, healthier extra points. Boston spring vegetable salad Material: Boston Lettuce, romaine lettuce, down to Earth-lettuce, cherry tomato, broccoli the 40 g, white radish, black olives, pine nuts, each 15 grams olive oil 10 ml, 4 ml Italy black vinegar, salt, white pepper, Japan 5 g of onion. Production: 1. all kinds of lettuce and broccoli wash cut, cut the cherry tomatoes, radish slice. 2. all the vegetable mixture stirring, then cast into black olives and pine nuts. 3. join the olive oil, balsamic, and join the right amount of salt, pepper and onion. The pure in heart lungs of avocado hand sushi Taste fresh avocado, cucumber, crab has a pure heart, lungs, with moderate rice and laver, nutrition is more comprehensive. Material: sushi rice 90 g, 15 g cucumber strips, crab Wicker 15 grams, 1/2 sheets of laver, avocado 30 g, muyu wire 2 g, 3 g eel sauce. Production: 1. in the Laver carpeted rice and cucumber, crab Wicker, use bamboo Li child into the rice roll. 2. the avocado cut into thin slices, wrapped in rice in volume. 3. dinner roll and cut into 8 pieces, and then pour the eel sauce and sprinkle with wooden fish silk as decoration. Liver supplement, mild nourishing cordycep chicken stew nbsp;nbsp; Health care practice, mild flavour and cordycep, not cold and not dry, with invigorating lung, kidney and liver, liver and is suitable for the characteristics of the spring is mild, nourishing and for spring prone to cough or have a certain effect. With just the right amount of meat soup, made better. Ingredients: beef, 15 g, aweto spend 5 g, medlar, ginger in moderation. Production: 1. chicken pelletizing, scald it in boiling water. 2. all materials placed in the soup Cup, and then steamed about 3 hours. Note: this may change in the chicken soup for the duck meat and other meat, practices can also be changed to pot system, all materials and water, first to fire boil, then five fire in about an hour. Detoxification, removing of crispy mushroom cream sauce Spring is the season of eating fresh mushrooms, mushroom contains the human body cannot digest crude fiber and lignin, can effectively clear the intestinal Detox, enhance the body immunity. At the same time, the mushrooms also can help cough, phlegm, on a very frequent in the spring season. Material: fresh mushroom, mushrooms all 25 g, 10 g of onion, egg 1, pale cream 20 ml, 15 grams of flour, butter 5 g, thyme, salt, pepper and a little white wine. Production: 1. flour with water, stir well after made into layers superposition of thin, and then rubbed with egg yolk, placed into roasted 215 ° c oven for about 7 minutes to spare. 2. the fresh mushroom, mushrooms and cut into 4 flap, onion chopped standby. 3. use butter fried diced onion, fried sweet after joining cut mushrooms and a little white wine. 4. then add thyme, salt, pepper, and Add fade cream small Cook about 5 minutes. 5. the mushroom Sheng bowls before the lid baked good feuille skin. A spring storm of prawns in seafood sauce Should adequate protein intake, because the human body in late spring and early summer when tired, and protein tyrosine is generated within the brain alert of the main ingredients of chemical substances. But spring supplementary protein cannot choose too rich meat, shrimp taste sweet t, rich and high-quality protein and a good digestion and absorption, it is a good choice. At the same time, the shrimp also have moderate kidney, the saliva. Material: shrimp 100 g, 40 g of mayonnaise, red pepper, green pepper and yellow pepper moderately, crab, salt, white pepper. Production: |
1. wash the shrimp, shrimp to back off. Using blotting paper absorb moisture, salt, white pepper salt 10 minutes.
2. join the mayonnaise, crab blend blended with uniform after packed prawns.
3. put in the oven to bake in 180 ° c to 7 minutes. (Picture source: PConline Photography Department)
Supplementary reading: Weight loss recipes specially take 3 meals eaten and lose weight Ldquo; weight loss ideas like this; you do rdquo 10 pounds thinner in January
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Tuesday, December 07, 2010 |
5 help your weight loss success of delicious fruits and vegetables
Lettuce--added missing cellulose The market common spherical heart lettuce, wrinkle cream of lettuce and leafy vegetables that can be counted as a type of lettuce. And another common vegetable cabbage lettuce fibre content than more, eliminate excess fat is very good for weight loss food. In addition, because of lettuce leaves with lettuce, analgesia and hypnotic, lower cholesterol, treatment of neurasthenia, etc. Nutrition Spotlight: rich meat cellulosic energy supplement weight loss method in fiber absorption. 100 g lettuce contains 1.52 grams of dietary fiber. Little advice: in addition to making common lettuce salad, you can store in the refrigerator some wash stripped lettuce, dining, or want to eat something can take RTE, supplementary energy at any time. nbsp; Asparagus--increase vitamins and trace elements Asparagus contains more vitamins and trace elements, the asparagus is a nobleman of vegetables: Although the price is higher than other vegetables a little expensive, but the taste is fresh and fragrant. And a general vegetable, asparagus contains vegetable fibre is soft and delicious, but also contains more vitamins and trace elements. In addition, the asparagus in rich in folic acid, approximately 5 root asparagus contains 100 micrograms, has reached a daily demand of 1/4. Nutrition Spotlight: eat a plate of asparagus, it is rich in vitamins and microelements can supplement your vitamin deficiency of regret. Little advice: first of all, the best whole root cooked asparagus, to the maximum extent possible maintain nutrition; nutrition, asparagus in the tip, it is best to put the asparagus bound head up cooking to keep nutrition. nbsp;
Zucchini--wrecking your face yellowish tone, firm This ordinary cheap vegetable, but their nutritional value. Zucchini contain more vitamin C, glucose and other nutrients, especially high calcium content. Moreover, the pumpkin is rich in water, some ritzy skin. Nutrition Spotlight: whatever you think what people lose weight weight loss method, they usually feel was yellow, slack skin. Enriched with the moisture content of Zucchini can help you clear the yellowish tone, firm after weight loss, but also your white face. Little advice: Zucchini should not be eaten, cooking it burned too poor to avoid nutritional losses. In addition, cold, summer squash with spleen should eat or be eaten. |
Tomato--maintain skin elasticity and moisture
And Zucchini, tomato and water tender love of beauty. Fresh tomato and tomato juice with a moisture content of up to 94%, and in a rich tomato lycopene cardiovascular protective, could cut heart attack. In addition, Nick sour in tomato, able to maintain normal secretion of gastric juice, promote the formation of red blood cells, help maintain the elasticity of the arterial wall and protect the skin.
Nutrition Spotlight: want to do is to lose weight and maintain the elasticity of the skin and water then, eat tomatoes when too much of it, it will let you water run fresh, beautiful unlimitedly.
Little advice: and pressed red tomato ripening of fast, natural mature tomato nutrient-rich, very rich taste. Therefore, purchasing, it is best to choose natural mature tomatoes.
Strawberry--added a huge loss of vitamin C
Vegetable and meat have been recommended, here we have some fruit. Strawberry tasty and nutritious. In addition to containing a variety of vitamins and minerals, the most significant advantages of Strawberry is contains a lot of vitamin C, its content than watermelons, apples, grapes, about 10 times higher. Strawberry nutritional components can easily be human digestion, absorption, eat or cold or thighs.
Nutrition Spotlight: lose weight, most undernourished, therefore, when selecting fruit is even more to select the highest content of vitamin C of strawberry.
Little advice: note to wash the strawberries, don't put off, go to strawberry pedicel pedicle Strawberry if placed in the water immersion, residues of pesticides varies with water entering the fruit inside, cause pollution. Wash the strawberries, preferably light brine or washing washing water soak for 5 minutes and then rinse with tap water continuously, the flow of water to avoid pesticide penetration of fruit.
Reminder: girls eat more fruits and vegetables, can better absorption of vitamins, maintain the elasticity of the skin, and to maintain the role of the body. Daily snack intake to fit, do not wait until think weight loss fat, like many MM dieting method to lose weight, the physical injury is very big, very prone to serious physical decline symptoms, but also have a number of diseases. They say that a girl is water do women need water, all routine should drink plenty of water, eat more fruit, many additional moisture, youth is holding in their hands, do not blindly extravagance Oh! (Source: PConline Photography Department)
Additional reading: Three days to eat Apple obesity away from you Weight loss recipes spring will eat the food of 5 Weight loss recipes 7 color fruits help you lose weight in a week in health nbsp; 我想减肥成功: gt;gt;gt; And I ask a question Look more weight loss method
Tuesday, December 07, 2010 |