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Colorful fruits help you one week weight loss program success


Is there a day, 7 days a week, eat apples to lose weight despite their experience?, carefully hold back this ldquo; hungry rdquo; experience or feeling a little scary. In fact, want to use fruit to lose weight, is not to say that you like, I want to eat in a week, and you must eat fruit to your eyes straight. Fruit weight loss methods are many, like a week's Cookbook are colorful? follow small series, a fruit feast! different colors, different tastes, there is only one purpose, to help your healthy weight loss.

  Ldquo; red rdquo; fruit ldquo; weight of Fuxing rdquo;

Tuesday is a week most busy day, as they come to eat a diet of red tomatoes.

Recommended menus: vitality weight loss meal tomato Aloe-buttermilk

Ingredients: tomato two, Aloe one, plus a small bottle and buttermilk, honey a little.


Aloe tear to the epidermis, the standby.

Will put Aloe meat Blender, add tomato, buttermilk, honey, a fruit juice.

Dietitians Sifanghua: as tomato does not contain any fat, and carbohydrate contents in memory is not high, so use tomato replace snacks to meet mouth feeling and desire, not only of the weight loss effects appear obvious, it contains vitamins and lycopene, also helps to maintain healthy, stay away from the pain, in addition, because the tomato is also rich in dietary fibre, helps defecation metabolism, so quite suitable for deep suffering from constipation MM are edible.

  Ldquo; yellow rdquo; fruit ldquo; magical happy thin fruit rdquo;

Happy Wednesday, be sure to eat a fruit with bright colors. Let's join the ranks of the bananas in to lose weight.

Recommended recipe: banana oatmeal porridge

Material: banana 2 root, oats 100 grams, wolfberry moderation, milk bottle


First with plenty of water to cook oats. Then cut into small pieces of banana in it, and then put some wolfberry. Boil with milk and then five or six minutes.

Dietitians Sifanghua: banana is rich in dietary fiber, can stimulate the bowel of peristalsis, help excretion. If you do not eat, but eat bananas are dipped in honey, low heat than dinner, naturally slim down. However, such a rapid weight loss, body often because no good adjustment and adverse reactions. If it is long on bananas, body lack protein, minerals and other nutrients, your health risk alert is issued. Suggest you still more concentrated period of time consumption.

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 Ldquo; cyan rdquo; fruit ldquo; wisdom fruit rdquo; Kilimanjaro

Saturday to the life of Tim point cyan ldquo; taste rdquo;.

Recommended menus: sour Apple wire

Material: Fuji apples in half, green pepper, sweet pepper 15 g 15 grams, a little red pepper, white vinegar, sugar, salt and a little.


Apple wash cutting, soaked in brine. Then rinse with cool water to water reserve, Lek. Green pepper, sweet pepper, red pepper wash cut wire, and add seasoning mix shredded apples.

Dietitians Sifanghua: because Apple slim intake of protein, protein deficiency is too low can cause the body's muscle loss (including offal of smooth muscle), and muscle is the main body calories, reduction in muscle and organ heat less consumption, fat easier to pile up, so Apple slim down instantly rebound, it is recommended that you want to use Apple's MM, weight loss or to a balanced diet, by regulating the body inner balance to weight loss.

  Ldquo; purple rdquo; fruit ldquo; fruit of Jane rdquo;

Friday, a day of rest, you need to add more vitamins, then come to eat grapes.

Recommended menus: grape green juice slimming milkshake

Ingredients: grape moderation, milk a box


Grape without peeling, hand the grape naturally blended with broken. Down on a box of milk, if you feel that smell slightly acid, can fit plus a little

Sugar, put in the fridge, the better.

Dietitians Sifanghua: grape grape polyphenols (PoIyphen0Is) have antioxidant, inhibiting free gene hyperplasia, effective anti-aging. The grape nut to soften skin, making skin nourishing moisturizing. In addition, the grape of the pulp contains vitamin and mineral rich, deep moisturizing and anti-aging and skin cells more students. Not only can you lose fat, cosmetic result or belittled. (Source: PConline Photography Department)

Additional reading:

  Woman gold weight loss phase of what to eat

  Weight loss will eat fruit sector seven Queen

  Fast and effective weight loss recipes 3 days thin 9 kg

  gt;gt;gt; Look more weight loss method