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Three quick weight loss diet 3 days thin round

 三款快速减肥食谱 3天瘦一圈

 First, the 3-day diet reduced white 4-6 kg

This recipe is healthier qingchang Detox recipes that require three days to porridge is the staple food (try cooking dilute some). Perseverance of people may wish to try.

Day 1

Breakfast: porridge, a white-bread lunch:, a white egg dinner: porridge, a dish of fried vegetables

Day 2

Breakfast: porridge, a sesame seed packet lunch: porridge, a white egg dinner: porridge, a dish of fried vegetables

Day 3

Breakfast: porridge, five cracker bread lunch: porridge, a grape white wheat bread dinner:, a dish of fried vegetables


1. eat three meals a day, other porridge served dishes will be prohibited

2, to be afraid of porridge and too cold, and a few slices of ginger and pot

3. to increase palatability, can seep into 1/3 Brown Baozhou

4, you may receive the stomach gas and hyperacidity reaction, such as the situation seriously have to stop, take three days to two days or one-day course of clearing intestines

5, three days later on should be reduced 4 to 6 pounds, to better effect, you can choose a more thorough cleaning, other do not eat, but eat porridge, but some people may not fit, you can try to start or one and a half days, according to the above menus to eat a half days after only eat porridge, you will find three days later he came back to life, even the skin smooth and delicate, acne and surface oil will be reduced.

三款快速减肥食谱 3天瘦一圈

2. Western-style 3-day weight loss diet weight 9 kg

If you have trouble, you can try the following 3, weight loss recipes. Its ingredients with a more balanced nutrition, but also can control the total calories,

 Day 1

Breakfast: grapefruit half, peanut butter three spoon, bread, coffee cup.

Lunch: tuna tuna canned half pot (mineral water or pure water immersion), toast, a cup of coffee or tea.

Dinner: cabbage flower half, two slices of meat, lentil 10 tall, red grapes 10 capsules, Apple a vanilla ice cream with a Cup, a cup of tea or coffee.

Day 2

Breakfast: banana half a root, boiled eggs, toast, a cup of coffee or tea.

Lunch: a cup of yogurt, cracker two pieces, one cup of coffee or tea.

Dinner: hot dog sausage two root, broccoli half, red grape 10 capsules, half banana, coffee or tea in a Cup.

Day 3

Breakfast: Apple a, cheese, cracker two pieces, one cup of coffee or tea.

Lunch: boiled eggs, toast, a cup of coffee or tea.

Dinner: tuna tuna a tank (mineral water or pure water immersion), cabbage flower half half root tree, banana, red grape 10 capsules, a cup of vanilla ice cream.


1. the five Cup oarian Clearwater, (early-late one cup, three meals a day with a Cup in the middle), there cannot be drinking water or eating anything.

2. raw only white cook with salt and white pepper, unavailable


3. in accordance with the order, is not about recipes or other substitutes.

4. coffee or tea could not be sweetened or with milk.

5. formula considered nutrition mix and chemical action, not arbitrary changes.

nbsp;瘦身计划 这个春季你开始行动了吗?

Three, three days of Pu'er tea weight loss recipes

1. the breakfast: baked whole-wheat toast a tablet, a boiled egg, skim milk Cup, a cup of tea

2. Chinese food: a cup of skim milk, steamed fish (the same amount of chicken breast meat may), boiled vegetables, fruits a (Apple, tomato), Pu'er Tea Cup

3. dinner: dinner menu for your own deployment, but the ban on meat edible starchy and

Note: three days are eating, usually 3 days can thin 4-6 kg, but every day at least 2500-3000cc to drink water.

Warm tips:

Fast weight loss diet is only suitable for those who want to cram woman use, although short-term effect is good, but very easy to rebound, and is not suitable for long-term use, otherwise the malnutrition.

If you would like to have a charming nice build, or from the daily drop done.

If you have been eating a lot, do not immediately go on a diet and eat, use the decrement method, three meals a day minus 50 grams. Progressive daily staple control in 2500 grams (approximately a half bowls) and roughage instead of white rice, develop the habit of eating officers full. Food can adopt lean meat, fish, eggs, yellow bean and sugar fewer vegetables, fruits, etc.

Starch-containing excessive and very sweet food such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, grayish, jam, sweets, candied fruit, milk, wheat and fruit dessert, try to eat or not eat.

On some more fatty foods such as peanuts, walnuts, Sesame and various animal oil, cream, and fried foods would also have to be controlled. (Picture source: PConline Photography Department)

Supplementary reading: Reduced light stomach floating meat dewlap tips available    Reduced light stomach floating meat dewlap tips available

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