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Rejian carrot eating delicious thin ten pounds without any problem

Beta-carotene is beauty beauty essential nutrients per day. Carrot as the incumbent is richly deserved to lose weight, we can glimpse the thin carrot magic charm.

热荐胡萝卜美味吃法 瘦十斤不在话下

Carrot 瘦身 亮点

◎ Contains carrot and vitamin B1, B2, C, D, E and K as well as folic acid, calcium and food, fiber and other nutrients, making dozens of human body to absorb nutrients more comprehensive.

◎ Contains cellulose can improve the body's metabolism, reach the purpose of natural weight loss.

◎ Can not eat sweets and inhibition of human greasy food's desire, but also can prevent colds, consolidate the vision.

Carrots delicious dishes:

Carrots are not only eating a lot, but every method of operation with all the special convenience and absolute compliance with the requirements of MM.

1, carrot and tomato soup

Material: carrot 50 g, tomato 1, half cup of yogurt, lemon juice mix 1.


1, wash the carrots into pieces, tomatoes go to te, cleaned and cut into comb, alternate.

2, the carrot and tomato in the juicer, high-speed grinding will pour a glass of juice, yogurt, lemon flavor.

Downsizing of yore: every morning with breakfast drink together, not only tasty, but also super thin force.

  Additional reading:

8 large Magic help you easily remove vacation packing grease
This drink yoghurt, easy weight loss a thin 5 kg
The best choice for bananas in the autumn of weight loss or tomato
Boiled egg weight loss of 15 days to let you kuangshou 8 kg

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2, boiled carrots

Materials: 1, 2, carrot.


1, wash and slice the carrots.

2, in pot two bowls of water, then put carrot slices to cook in the carrot slices soft.

Downsizing of yore: every morning on an empty stomach to drink together with carrot soup for lunch and dinner, as usual. If you want to continue to lose weight, then taking a week later, will be able to achieve the objectives of MM.

3, freshly squeezed carrot juice

Material: carrot 2 root.


1, wash the carrot, crosscutting circle block.

2, to cut the carrots into the Blender until the juice is thick like carrots mud.

Weight loss eating: eat carrot juice 1 ~ 2 times before dinner drink, don't have to diet, according to its own Constitution and physical condition determine consumption, as long as there is perseverance for a month, you can easily thin 10 pounds. (Source: PConline photography tribal)