Rejian carrot eating delicious thin ten pounds without any problem
Beta-carotene is beauty beauty essential nutrients per day. Carrot as the incumbent is richly deserved to lose weight, we can glimpse the thin carrot magic charm. Carrot 瘦身 亮点 ◎ Contains carrot and vitamin B1, B2, C, D, E and K as well as folic acid, calcium and food, fiber and other nutrients, making dozens of human body to absorb nutrients more comprehensive. ◎ Contains cellulose can improve the body's metabolism, reach the purpose of natural weight loss. ◎ Can not eat sweets and inhibition of human greasy food's desire, but also can prevent colds, consolidate the vision. Carrots delicious dishes: Carrots are not only eating a lot, but every method of operation with all the special convenience and absolute compliance with the requirements of MM. 1, carrot and tomato soup Material: carrot 50 g, tomato 1, half cup of yogurt, lemon juice mix 1. Practices: 1, wash the carrots into pieces, tomatoes go to te, cleaned and cut into comb, alternate. 2, the carrot and tomato in the juicer, high-speed grinding will pour a glass of juice, yogurt, lemon flavor. Downsizing of yore: every morning with breakfast drink together, not only tasty, but also super thin force. Additional reading: 8 large Magic help you easily remove vacation packing grease |
2, boiled carrots Materials: 1, 2, carrot. Practices: 1, wash and slice the carrots. 2, in pot two bowls of water, then put carrot slices to cook in the carrot slices soft. Downsizing of yore: every morning on an empty stomach to drink together with carrot soup for lunch and dinner, as usual. If you want to continue to lose weight, then taking a week later, will be able to achieve the objectives of MM. 3, freshly squeezed carrot juice Material: carrot 2 root. Practices: 1, wash the carrot, crosscutting circle block. 2, to cut the carrots into the Blender until the juice is thick like carrots mud. Weight loss eating: eat carrot juice 1 ~ 2 times before dinner drink, don't have to diet, according to its own Constitution and physical condition determine consumption, as long as there is perseverance for a month, you can easily thin 10 pounds. (Source: PConline photography tribal) |