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DIY recipes delicious weight loss weight loss with one stone

nbsp;DIY减肥食谱 美味瘦身一举两得

Shredded tomatoes

Ingredients: tomato, cucumber 50g 150g, water kelp 50g 25g, jellyfish, salt, MSG, soy sauce, vinegar, red oil and sesame oil the right amount.


1. use boiling water a little hot tomato, peeled, cut with a knife party peach-shaped tablets, Wai disc around ready.

2. soak well jellyfish and cut into thin strips, use boiling water slightly hot (burning time not too long, otherwise not brittle) bails out with cold water for cooling.

3. put the cucumber, seaweed washed, cut into thin strips, and jellyfish interval stack in the middle of tomato tray.

4. take the bowl into the soy sauce, vinegar, seasoning monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, mix thoroughly, pour over the three wires.

Features and functionality: crisp and refreshing. Cucumber with clear functional intestinal corruption sundries, vinegar also have weight loss function, kelp is rich in iodine-like role of phlegm, jellyfish is rich in potassium and iodine, cholesterol, body fat, tomato and rich in vitamins B and C, to enhance the body's immune system and promote the metabolism.

  Additional reading:

Red bean slimming recipe 2 weeks crazy 8 kg reduction
-Vegetarianism diet nutrition and weight loss
2 white slim body oil scraper make
3 syrup good winter against drying long meat


Garlic steamed sponge gourd

Raw materials:

Loofah (2), red pepper (1 piece), garlic (2), oil (2 tablespoons), salt (1/5 tablespoons), sugar (1/3 tablespoons), chicken powder (1/3 tablespoons), sesame oil (2 tablespoons).


1. the Loofah scrape the skin wash, cut into 3 cm thick, with a knife in the Loofah block dig a shallow pit.

2. garlic shoot flat to clothing, garlic chopped into. Red pepper wash, and seeds, chop into terminal.

3. Pan-in 2 tablespoons oil heat, stir fried with garlic and pour over some, joining the 1/5 tablespoons of salt, 1/3 tablespoons sugar and 1/3 tablespoons of chicken powder mix, then after the extinction of garlic stuffed into the Loofah block.

4. boil half pot of boiling water, put in the container, the fire of the dish sponge gourd waterproof steam for 5 minutes.

5. hot add to 2 tablespoons sesame oil, sweet red pepper last detonation flame, red pepper powder and sesame oil dripping Loofah. (Source: PConline photography tribal)