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Must know four time periods to eat no fat anti lean

Now, small series on secret which four times what four respectively the food weight loss:

必知 4个时间段吃东西不胖反瘦

PClady exclusive zhuangao, unauthorized declined to reprint!

  7: 00 pm to 9: 00: calcium-containing foods.

The calcium intake 300 nag can help you more minus 22% of body weight, 61% of fat, especially abdominal fat, much less the 81%.

 10: 00 to 11: 00: almond

Eat to lose weight, subtract almond body weight are those who do not eat almonds are 2 times; eat almonds before lunch, calorie intake will reduce 333 card.

3种食疗减肥法 一周轻松瘦10斤

PClady exclusive zhuangao, unauthorized declined to reprint!

  14: 00 to 16: 00: honey

Honey to drink after 20 minutes of your blood sugar level adjustment to normal level and maintains two hours, while reducing your hunger.

20: 00 to 21: 00: coconut

Coconut is nature's best sources of fatty acids, which can be liver fatty acid burn calories by up to 50 percent faster.

The calcium intake 300 nag can help you more minus 22% of body weight, 61% of fat, especially abdominal fat, much less the 81%. Eat to lose weight, subtract almond body weight are those who do not eat almonds are 2 times; eat almonds before lunch, calorie intake will reduce 333 card. (PConline photography tribes, CFP)