Get rid of red nose celery help you lose fat and blood pressure
Many people in the winter, cold air a cold nose is red. In fact, nose red even render red, it is possible that your blood pressure is too high! don't think hypertension is old talent will have the disease because inappropriate, congenital genetic, work stress and other reasons, many young people also have the risk of hypertension. But when the cold weather, vasoconstriction, blood flows slower, directly led to the rise in blood pressure, serious or even causing vascular thrombosis, life-threatening. Today small series recommend everyone, a buck mdash mdash; ingredients; celery, wants you to enjoy delicious at the same time, you can reduce the blood fats and blood pressure, suppressed. Additional reading: 8 winter diet food: Slim eating out |
Buck fat loss ingredients: celery Celery and rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other elements, but also rich in fiber, intestinal digestion produces a lignin or enteral lipid material, such material is an antioxidant, eat eating celery, particularly on the prevention of celery leaves, hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc. are very useful. Recommended recipes: fried shrimp celery celery Materials: 10 grams of dried shrimp, 200 g celery. Ingredients: vegetable oil, soy sauce, salt 10 grams each 25 grams. Production: 1. soak the dried shrimp with warm water; celery cut well washed, cut into short segments, scalding. 2. place the pot on the fire and put them under hot oil, fried, celery, and put into a shrimp, soy sauce, stir-fried with faster: with a few. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Small Tip: more than spinach, celery and iron content is also very high, the same can give you additional blood loss, help you avoid skin pale, dry, dull. And celery also can make you look there is a God, his hair is black! (source: PConline photography tribal) |