Understanding the appetite to eat your food without fat
Master foods rose sugar index L sugar index currently in the country is also called the glycemic index and glycemic index. L sugar index is a measure of carbohydrate foods into the body raises blood sugar level and speed indicators. Carbohydrate foods including we eat sugar, rice, beans, fruits, etc, into the human body, becomes a certain amount of blood glucose. A lot of blood, usually cause stomach feeling, while at the same time stimulate the secretion of insulin; in a large number of dedicated to this hormone metabolism of glucose, so eat something after a period of time will decrease blood glucose, some people will feel hungry. General l sugar index lower food let glucose slowly, effects on insulin secretion, blood sugar stable small, relatively durable baofugan, helps to prevent obesity. But l sugar index higher food, digestion and absorption of faster, so that glucose faster, effects on insulin secretion, blood glucose fluctuations, easy to eat after a relatively short period of time so that people feel hungry, the results make people eat more, cause the fat. We have many l sugar index lower food called ldquo; appetite food rdquo; some l sugar index high food called ldquo; rdquo; induced by hungry food. Additional reading: 8 kinds of delicious food, let your 1 week easy thin 7 kg |
Ldquo; appetite rdquo; what are the fruits of Lots of fresh fruits with moisture, bulky, pectin-rich, cellulose, heat low, but with more fructose, on insulin secretion has little effect on rising glucose index generally lower appetite fruit and prevent obesity, ideally dining food. We often eat the fruit of appetite are: Apple, pear, peach, peach, grapefruit, strawberry, violet cherry, etc. Some fruits and their nutritional and health benefits. 1. Apple. A 120 gram weight of Apple is only approximately 70 kcal of calories. So, Apple is to prevent excess calories and maintain good shape dinner food. Apple's insoluble cellulose can help intestinal peristalsis, content of pectin and beta;-Valley steroids can help lower blood cholesterol. Apple's class of flavonoids and can help prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease. 2. pear. Soluble fiber pears, can reduce blood viscosity, prevent cardiovascular disease. PEAR also contains a certain amount of sorbitol, is a natural sweetener, is not easy to be absorbed by the human body, but also help prevent obesity and helps to stabilize blood sugar. 3. grapefruit. A 240 g grapefruit in calories just 80 kcal, rich in vitamin C. Grapefruit in beta;-Valley steroids can lower blood cholesterol, but it contains with glutathione is an antioxidant that can prevent cancer, grapefruit is also good for your health-care foods. |

Selected ldquo; appetite rdquo; food as a staple food
Appetite for food grain legumes, enters the body, generally slow digestion and absorption, so that changes in blood glucose and therefore rose sugar gentle index low. Selected this staple food grain when, baofugan, very few people fat.
1. oatmeal. Oatmeal with large amounts of soluble dietary fiber and phytosterols, can lower blood cholesterol and lipids. In supermarket choose oatmeal when selection processing does not fine oatmeal, do not select the quick cooking oats. Crude rose sugar index of oatmeal, is a real appetite for food. With oatmeal in microwave ovens do oatmeal porridge, with a glass of low-fat milk, calcium nutrition and abundant, healthy, low in calories for breakfast a good appetite, keep the size of a meal.
2. total Valley ungerminated. Whole grain barley flour containing more amylose and large amounts of dietary fiber, protein, in the human body to absorb slowly, its rise glucose index than the majority of flour is low, the appetite for food. (Source: PConline photography tribal)