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Unfortunately Apple quick weight loss 3 days available minus 6 kg

巧吃苹果快瘦身 3天速效减6斤

  苹果 减肥

① for three consecutive days only eat apples, not eat other fruits and food.

② you can follow the three meals a day time eat apples or hungry, eat, eat.

③ No matter what kinds of apples can, however, preferably red apples. Comparison of acid Green Apple, fear will stimulate the bowel.

④ Apple to eat fresh, and clean the skin, avoid pesticide remnants.

⑤ in these three days, thirsty, you can drink water or tea without irritation, such as mint tea, herb tea, maicha, red tea houttuynia cordata, etc.

⑥ lose weight, your stomach is very sensitive, so to avoid drinking caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee, green tea, oolong tea, etc., in order to avoid stomach discomfort.

⑦ during weight loss in Apple, if you have constipation problem, can the third night, drink one or two tablespoons of olive oil in runchang, promote savings of toxin drainage.

  Additional reading:

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巧吃苹果快瘦身 3天速效减6斤

Three days later 饮食 要点

Three days after the end of Apple lose weight as far away from the excitement of food, so your stomach will be very tender, the taste is very sensitive, but the stomach will be smaller.

The fourth day, your diet slowly recovering, cannot eat lots of food, especially not to snacking. Recovery diet for the first three days, it's a good idea to eat porridge, tofu from, etc.

In short, weight-loss recovery diet, food to light and not excessive, in this way, the effect of weight loss will be sustained. Apple lose weight equal to clean-up of the digestive system of the body. If you really are fat, want to do once the recovery is Apple losing weight is not possible. The best of each month or just once, until reduced to ideal weight.

We all know, ldquo; an Apple a day, doctor away rdquo;. Apple's consumption capabilities, acquired many scientists confirmed. Now, you don't have to go hungry, don't have to take medicine, you do not have to spend money, as long as 3 days of pure Apple, eat, you can reduce the three to five kilograms. This is Japan popular ldquo; 3 Apple rdquo; weight loss method.

白薯豆腐番茄汤 让脂肪远离你

Apple can weight loss of 5 big reasons

① because food intake decreased, the stomach and digestive organs to rest.

② Apple weight loss improves kidney or stomach function, exhaust emissions purification of blood in the body, the body becomes healthier.

③ Apple lose weight so that human intake of calorie reduced enough part requires heat supply in savings. Body fat consumed, human nature will become thin.

④ obese individuals almost always make for overeating, stomach expansion beyond its control appetite. Apple diet can cause stomach shrink, weight loss is easy to control appetite and taste becomes normal, not like pungent food or greasy food.

⑤ Apple losing weight can contribute to the generation of white blood cells in the blood, improve human immunity and the immunity, while promoting nerve and endocrine function, help to nurse. (Source: PConline photography tribal)