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Slim woman mad scramble of Detox weight loss food



Cucumber cucumbers contain acids, can promote the body's metabolism and excretion of toxins

Cucumber taste sweet, sexual-ping, also known as cucumbers, smelt, Gill, melon, originating in India, have clear clearing, shengjinzhike effect.

Modern medicine is of the view that the cucumber is rich in protein, carbohydrate, vitamin b2, vitamin c, vitamin e, beta-carotene, Nick sour, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, and cucumber contains propyl alcohol adipic acid, cucurbitacin, soft, thin fibers and other ingredients, are rare paiduyangyan food.

Cucumber cucumbers contain acids, can promote the body's metabolism and excretion of toxins. Vitamin c content 5 times than watermelon high, white skin, keep the skin elasticity, inhibiting the formation of melanin. Cucumber also can inhibit carbohydrate is converted to fat, lung, stomach, heart, liver and excretory systems are very useful. Summer easily upset, thirsty, sore throat or sputum, eat cucumber helps defuse the inflammation.

Woman, because the characters and the male, the life you want to experience menstrual period, marriage, birth, menopause, each period are in need of special care.


Lychee flavor is sweet, sour, t, spleen yigan, shengjinzhike, detoxifying antidiarrheal. Li Shizhen who was in the "Materia" said: ldquo; ordinary Litchi, brain fitness hellip; rdquo; the hellip; carry home diet spectrum "records: ldquo; Litchi warming and fragrant, Theosophical Yizhi, fill in the seminal fluid-filled, Sabina pain, nourishing heart camp liver blood, beauty products, fresh fruit is preferred. Rdquo; modern medical opinion, lychee in vitamin a, b1, c, also contain pectin, free amino acids, protein, iron, phosphorus, calcium, and other elements.

Modern medical research shows that there are kidney Litchi, improve liver function, accelerated toxin elimination, promoting cell formation, so that the skin is delicate and so is the ideal paiduyangyan fruit.


Agaric taste sweet, sexual-ping, Detox detoxification, Qingwei polyester bowel, and blood stanch. Ancient records, the fungus ldquo; Qi not hungry, carbon intensity Chi rdquo;. Fungus is rich in carbohydrates, resin and PE, cellulose, glucose, Xylose, lecithin, beta-carotene, vitamin b1, vitamin b2, vitamin c, protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients, known in ldquo; pigment rdquo; meat.

Agaric in a plant gum, strong adsorption capacity, can be left in the human digestive system of dust concentration of impurities, then passed out of adsorption and thus play a detoxification function of the stomach.


Honey Sweet, sexual-ping, from ancient times is nourishing the body, paiduyangyan relatives. The Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing records: ldquo; long clothing is not strong-carbon, old Yannian. Rdquo; honey is rich in vitamin b2, c, and d-fructose, glucose, fructose, sucrose, high-quality protein, potassium, sodium, iron, spice, lactic acid, Malic acid, amylase, enzymes, and many other components, for moistening the cough, constipation, paiduyangyan efficiency significantly.

Modern medical research shows that the main ingredient in honey and glucose and fructose, is easy to be absorbed by the human body. Eat honey to achieve emission of toxins, beauty and cosmetic effect, on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and disorders such as neurasthenia is also very good.


Carrot flavor Gan, of cold, nourishing blood detoxification, invigorating and stomach, known as ldquo; small ginseng rdquo;. Carrot is rich in sugars, fat, oil, vitamin a, vitamin b1, vitamin b2, anthocyanins, carotene, calcium, iron and other nutrients.

Modern medical science has proven that carrots are effective detoxifying food, it is not only rich in beta-carotene, and contains a lot of vitamin a and pectin, and body of mercury ion combined, can effectively reduce the blood mercury ion concentration, acceleration of mercury ion discharge. (Source: PConline Photography Department)

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