Weight loss recipes specially eat carrots, thin 10 kg
Carrot thin highlights Contains carrot and vitamin B1, B2, C, D, E and K as well as folic acid, calcium and food, fiber and other nutrients, making dozens of human body to absorb nutrients more comprehensive. Contains cellulose can improve the body's metabolism, reach the purpose of natural weight loss. Not only can inhibit the body's intake of sweets and greasy food's desire, but also can prevent colds, consolidate the vision. Recommend carrot thin beverage Carrots are not only eating a lot, but every method of operation with all the special convenience and absolute compliance with the requirements of MM. Boiled carrot Material: 1, 2, carrot. Approach: 1, to wash and slice the carrots. 2, in pot two bowls of water, then put carrot slices to cook in the carrot slices soft. Weight loss eating: Each morning on an empty stomach to drink together with carrot soup for lunch and dinner, as usual. If you want to continue to lose weight, then taking a week later, will be able to achieve the objectives of MM. Freshly squeezed carrot juice Material: carrot 2 root. Practices: 1, wash the carrot, crosscutting circle block. 2, to cut the carrots into the Blender until the juice is thick like carrots mud. Weight loss eating: eat carrot juice 1 ~ 2 times before dinner drink, don't have to diet, according to its own Constitution and physical condition determine consumption, as long as there is perseverance for a month, you can easily thin 10 pounds. Carrot-tomato soup Material: 50 g of carrots, tomato 1, half cup of yogurt, lemon juice mix 1. Practices: 1, wash the carrots into pieces, tomatoes go to te, cleaned and cut into comb, alternate. 2, the carrot and tomato in the juicer, high-speed grinding will pour a glass of juice, yogurt, lemon flavor. Downsizing of yore: every morning with breakfast drink together, not only tasty, but also super thin force. (Source: PConline Photography Department) Additional reading: Eat 4 vegetables teaches you how to create better build Weight loss food daily 10 peanut slimming anti-aging nbsp;nbsp; Slim woman mad scramble of Detox weight loss food nbsp; 我想减肥成功: gt;gt;gt; And I ask a question Look more weight loss method |