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Breakfast drink ginger tea 8 pounds a week thin

  10种食物 减肥不可空腹吃

  Ginger tea and eat the law timetable

First day: morning: normal diet: ibid. late: ibid.

First-day preparation period can be a normal diet, but note that dinner don't eat anything, give up sweets and snacks, can drink honey water

Day 2: morning: carrot ginger tea (400ml): ibid. late: cereal porridge in the end you will find abdomen and variable soft focus, and the spirit.

Third day: eat, drink early: ginger tea 2 cups (400ml): cereal porridge late: cereal porridge

Fourth day: morning: fresh ginger tea: normal eating late: ibid.

  Method of making ginger tea

From a TCM standpoint we already know, black tea and a warm ginger. Drinking ginger tea is good for enhanced metabolic functions of the body, improving the fat burning rate. Bringing previously because of excessive and destabilizing accumulation of food waste excretion in vitro. Eat is finished, you can continue to lose weight.

Material: black tea a pack, peeled ginger five tablets, honey right amount

Approach: the tea bag and Ginger together into the Cup, with 90 degree water pours, slightly warm after put into the honey.

Important: If you feel a burning sensation in the stomach, consider reducing the amount of a day of ginger drink 2 to 6 cups. (Source: PConline Photography Department)

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