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Ten weight loss diet for the treatment of constipation easy thin

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 ① Yu RI in porridge:

Yu RI in 6 g, 30 g's tears. The seed of scouring the net extra, Yu RI pulverisation, put into the pot with the right amount of water and simmer to m rotten into porridge. Once a day, breakfast food. There is a function of the intestine by moistening slip. Applies to GI-delay, fecal dry sterile barrier.

  ② Spinach porridge:

Fresh spinach in 100 grams, 100 grams of rice. First wash the spinach on a half cooked in hot, boiling, remove the shredding, japonica rice boiled gruel, then put the spinach in, you can mix boiled, 2 times daily, even taking a few days. The secret for habitual hot, hemorrhoids bleeding patients with good effect.

  ③ Astragalus pine nuts-porridge:

Astragalus membranaceus 30 g, 15 g of pine nuts, the increase of 50 grams. County will reduce the Astragalus and the increase of 30-40 minutes to slag juicer, then pan-fried m and using pine kernel into porridge. The morning breakfast is eaten in moderation. Buzhong, constipation. Suitable for gastroptosis induced constipation.

  ④ radix polygoni multiflori porridge:

Date 3-5, polygonum multiflorum 30-60 grams, 100 grams of Japonica rice, brown sugar amount into the pot of polygonum multiflorum boiling back to slag juicer, with the origin, date and into the pot when you just, cooked, put into brown sugar or boiled sweet spice, then 1-2 minutes. 1-2 times daily. Indications of blood deficiency with constipation.

  ⑤ Mulberry son porridge:

Mulberry sub 50 g, 100 g rice, brown sugar in moderation. The mulberry and wash the rice into the Casserole in total, porridge cooked when you just join the brown sugar. Every morning and evening. Particularly suitable for postpartum constipation learning deficiency.

  ⑥ Ginseng gruel: Ophiopogon japonicus

Ginseng 6 grams (or 15 grams or American ginseng radix codonopsis 10 grams), maidong 15 grams, 50 grams of Japonica rice, fried ginseng, ophiopogon japonicus 30-40 minutes to slag juicer, then use juice and Cook rice into porridge. The morning breakfast is eaten in moderation. Efficacy: buzhong, Yin-Yang and the moistening bowels. Especially suitable for gastroptosis induced constipation.

  ⑦ celery porridge:

Wash with celery leaves cut, just with rice or corn. Suitable for diabetes, Hyperlipidemia of constipation.

  ⑧: Sweet Potato porridge

500 g of sweet potato, rice, 200 g. Wash the sweet potato slice or block, and rice boiled into porridge, every morning and evening. Have the effect of the bowels.

  ⑨ porridge: Cassia

Fried juemingzi, white Chrysanthemum each 15 grams, 60 grams of rice, sugar candy in moderation. The fried juemingzi and white Chrysanthemum with boiling to slag from juice, add rice boiled gruel, adding the right amount can take crystal sugar. With clearing xiegan, cathartic function names. Especially suitable for hypertensive patients with constipation.

 ⑩ Walnut porridge:

Walnut meat 30-50 g peeled during a rotten, the increase of 50 g, you just add water as usual method, porridge cooked after Walnut meat, catching, floating porridge oil. Sooner or later the clothing in General. Walnut meat taste sweet and warm, with strong lumbar kidney, convergence xiefeidingchuan, constipation. (Source: PConline Photography Department)

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