Diet tips Korean food weight loss method 5 colors
Red-promote metabolism, body fat fast burning Red food to promote metabolism, embedded in the fat in food direct combustion. At the same time, the accumulation of fat in the body is also easy to burn. In other words, you can shape the quot; not fat, but also provides an easy way to thin down quot; figure, is essential to lose weight. Also can promote blood circulation, strengthens the immune system, giving the cells in vitality, for improved cold hands and anti-aging effect. Representative of the food: spicy cabbage, chili powder, pepper mixed with rice sauce, chilli sauce, miso, tomatoes, red peppers, paprika, carrots, etc. Discharge the accumulation of waste-green, purifying the body make it refreshing clean Green food of very high cleaning power. Body accumulate waste and toxins, it is also able to add vitamins and minerals, stimulate the body's original impetus to the digestion, absorption, and excretion of the law. To increase the speed of weight loss, but also very effective with anti-aging effect. Representative of the food: snow red, any lettuce, cabbage, shells of Ju, leek, spinach, watercress, Komatsu, coriander cabbage, peppers, Chun, all green vegetables, carrots, cabbage, bean sprouts, green onions, etc. Additional reading: Super practical essential meals diet OL |
Black-give a weak physique additional energy, improve immunity Black food nourishes the body, strengthen the immunity effect of excellence, capable of effectively improving weak Constitution, the body is purified, can improve the body's natural healing ability. Thus enhancing cell vitality and immunity, creating vibrant young physique. In addition, you can promote hormonal secretion and coordination body balance, skin effect is outstanding. Representative of the food: black sesame seeds, seaweed (undaria, undaria lettuce leaves, seaweed, Brown algae, fusiforme, etc), black beans, mushrooms, George, fungus, dried mushrooms, clams, and so on. White-the driving force of life, to provide you with endless energy White food to activation of physical function, boot the basic driving force of life, and to promote this kind of energy, and maintain. To maintain the normal run of life. Unfortunately, all white foods do not have the effect of burning body fat, intake may increase the burning of fat quot; fuel Representative of the food: rice, bread, potatoes, beans, tofu, milk, yogurt, butter, meat, fish, alcohol, white sesame seeds, etc. |
Yellow-re mediation has destroyed balance body function
Because no scientific weight loss, stress, air pollution, and other factors causing harm, to pass through the yellow food to fix. Keep the digestive organs and organs normal work, increase metabolism, allowing the easy thin, delicate body shaping, skincare and whitening effect is very significant. Even a small amount of food for human consumption, the effect is the same yellow is gratifying.
Representative of the food: garlic, ginger, seasoning (autumn yujin, fennel, cardamom, cinnamon, etc), corn, lemon, honey, etc. (Source: PConline photography tribal)