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6 thin bean meal to help you reduce 8 pounds a week

6款清瘦豆腐餐 帮你一周减8斤

Mushroom tofu cartridge

Ingredients: 150 g tofu, water mushroom 32 flower, ham, egg 1 15 grams.

Seasoning: sesame oil 10 g, salt, MSG, soy sauce, soup, water the right amount of starch, chilli oil, onion powder, ginger slightly.

Feature: our spicy fragrance cooking method: wash the tofu whipped up into mud, mushrooms, washed to te, drying; ham, carrot cut xiaoding. Put the diced tofu mud, ham, carrots, salt, MSG, soy, eggs, water, starch, onion powder, ginger, sesame oil on Bowl mix into depression.

Take mushrooms with depression, before removing ibid., using heat steam cooked, put on disc. Into the soup, salt, monosodium glutamate, boil the starch to thicken with water after the rain, and poured Tabasco on mushrooms tofu cartridge.

Shallot sauce tofu

Ingredients: 300 g tofu blocks, Tabasco, the amount of scallions, water black fungus 50 g, 100 g cucumber.

Spices: pepper oil, monosodium glutamate, each a little soy sauce, vinegar, soy sauce, the appropriate amount. Features: color appearance, spicy flavor

Cooking method: tofu into scalded gouge Ding, wash the cucumber peeled, diced, agaric diced Perm with boiling water. The chilli oil, onion, pepper oil, soy sauce, vinegar, oil, monosodium glutamate and drop Bowl tune into the sauce. Put the diced tofu, diced cucumber luxurious placed around, then put the fungus, the sauce and mix thoroughly after leaching in tofu, when mixing live food.

  Additional reading:

Three types of slimming foods make you can't eat fat
6 quick weight loss method 1 week several pounds of free thin
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Top 10 diet cuisine both buds and enjoy thin

6款清瘦豆腐餐 帮你一周减8斤

Snow red bean curd (yin, tender skin)

Raw material: COD 1 block, tofu 1/2 box, chufa 2 ~ 3 granules, medlar 1 spoon, bean-1 spoon, jade bamboo 2 money, lilyturf 3 money.

Preparation: 1. jade bamboo, lilyturf, 3 bowl of water put into the pot, opened a small fire to cook for about 10 minutes after removing soup juice.

2. cod wash, cut block; to salt, pepper, a little too white pickled mixed standby.

3. the peeled, sliced water chestnuts; tofu or cut into a block size of cod.

4. will approach 1 soup bowls, then handled cod, water chestnut, tofu thrown into simmer 5 minutes, add some salt seasoning and thicken, and finally sprinkle into the bean seed and medlar. Efficacy: nourishing, snow skin delicate product.

Coriander fish soup (winter and invigorating soup)

Ingredients: 200 g, tofu coriander leaves 100 grams, crucian, ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, lard all moderation.

Preparation: 1. The crucian carp slaughter clean, drain and wash water; coriander segments; the tofu into saltwater dipping in 15 minutes, pull out, cut small pieces; wash the ginger slices.

2. pot heated lard, killing fish fry to yellow, a plate ready.

3. the pot stay some base oil, burning hot, put ginger sauteed fragrant, with just the right amount of water to fire a kettle on your head, and then put into the bean curd, fish, and cook for about 15 minutes, then some salt in it, monosodium glutamate, finally put the coriander sauce.

Food effects: nourishing and moisturizing, jianpixiaoshi. Lee fetal skeletal development.


三类纤体食品 让你再也吃不胖

Frozen tofu stew 海鱼

Ingredients: 200 g frozen tofu, small fish 300 g, lycium barbarum, salt the 5 g, 8 g of chicken, onion, ginger, pepper 10 g, 3 g, 200 g soup salad oil 50 g

Preparation: 1. Cut large chunks of frozen tofu. Small fish to Gill, visceral, wash.

2. fuel burning in the pot to 80% of the heat, in the small fish fry to the Tan, pour into soup, then put in the onions, ginger, salt seasoning, people with many different, lycium barbarum, 20 minutes on a little chicken, pepper and mix.

Fruit curd

Ingredients: 250 g tofu, Hami melon 100 g, 6 g of salt, ground pepper, 2 g, 6 g, chicken soup-1000 g, 30 g cornstarch

Preparation: 1. Cantaloupe peeled, diced. Diced tofu, flying water reserve.

2. stock person pot a kettle on your head, placed curd, call into the salt, pepper powder, chicken essence, cornstarch, put in a little cooking Hami melon cubes. (Source: PConline photography tribal)