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Three healthy vegetables help you lose weight fast fat

10大饮食减肥法 让你越吃越瘦

1. celery

Delilah Milan University researchers use celery contains one can promote fat accelerated decomposition of substances, disappear, so that volunteers eat it weight in celery 1 week lighten 3.6 kg ~ 4.9 kg. Research shows that regular consumption of celery, not only help reduce blood fat, blood glucose, and both prevention and treatment of obesity, fatty liver disease and hypertension.

  Recommended dishes: salad with celery

Clean celery roots, cut into strips, boiling pot scalded i.e. bails out. Fresh ginger, vinegar, salt, monosodium glutamate, right amount put into the Bowl tune into juice and pour on the celery, pour, mix with sesame oil. You can also clean celery root, add honey juice every morning, oral, lipid-lowering blood pressure.

 2. Eggplant

Modern research has proven that Eggplant Purple skin contains vitamins E and P is the other vegetables. Vitamin P, which has increased capillary flexibility, improve microcirculation, hypertension, atherosclerosis and scurvy, which has a preventive role. And eggplant fiber SOAP grass glycosides, have lower cholesterol. Therefore, Eggplant for high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries of patients is diet.

  Recommended dishes: steamed egg

Take the Eggplant 1, clean incision reset Bowl, placed directly on the steaming basket for 20 minutes (can also be placed within the fire steam oven for 10 minutes, but stamped). Steam until the down, shredded into strips, combined with the fine salt, garlic juice, vinegar and oil, edible salad.

 3. mushroom

Modern research has proven that the mushrooms in the purine, choline, tyrosine, oxidase and nucleic acid substances that have lower cholesterol and cancer, known as a delicacy of lipid-lowering.

  Recommended dishes: mushroom soup

Fresh mushrooms 10, add water and cook on small fire for 15 minutes, without salt or with a little salt and spices. Often in the morning on an empty stomach to drink the soup in moderation, can help you lose weight, eliminate excess fat. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, colds initially are available this soup diet. (Picture PConline source: photography tribes)