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2 kinds of delicious food to eat to lose weight, less meat

垃圾食品 最聪明的饮食减肥法

 Weight loss remedies 1: Watermelon Slim

Watermelon in amine machine acid, a diuretic function, but is not, but rather help pinniao you hush hush of water, the body of toxins can smoothly be discharged, metabolic naturally well, drinking the dizziness caused by fatigue, it solutions for the drink effect is also very good. One month to more than ten pounds thinner!

Watermelon weight loss eating:

Take a little stuffed with red melon melon Peel, remove the outermost hard skin, cut into small pieces and according to their tastes, sugar, salt, spices, and not only tasty, but also beauty and weight loss. Note after not eating at night at nine, easy long watermelon stomach and firefighters.

 Weight loss remedies 2: egg weight loss method

Eggs also can make blood HDL, can protect the blood vessels to prevent hardening. The eggs weight, very useful, when you reach the standards of weight, and then make the ingestion of calories and heat consumption balance, you can make the effect lasting weight loss.

Eggs lose weight eating:

It is the second consecutive week, eat boiled eggs, grapefruit and a small amount of vegetable diet recipes. A day to eat 5 ~ 9 eggs, three-time to eat. Each day's intake of approximately 1000 kcal. (Source: PConline Photography Department)

Additional reading:

   7 day weight 14 kg weight loss experience and eat the detoxification method

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