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Most help fat people lose weight in four kinds of meat

nbsp;nbsp;越吃越瘦 没饿肚子一个月狂瘦20斤

  Fish: General textured fat is saturated fatty acids and fish fat but contains many unsaturated fatty acid, has good cholesterol. So fat people eat fish better, both to avoid obesity and preventing atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

  Rabbit meat: rabbit meat and poultry meat ingredients vary in General, its characteristics are more protein per 100 g of meat protein 21 in. 5 g; fat per 100 g, fat 0 only. 4 g; contain rich lecithin; cholesterol less, per 100 grams only 83 mg of cholesterol. As the rabbit meat protein more, high nutrition value, less fat and therefore is fat people ideal for meat.