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8 vegetables woman eating and thin and beautiful

  夏日瘦身食谱 二周减掉16斤


Efficacy: stomach hot toxic cleanup

Spinach can clean up the heat in the human stomach poison, prevention and treatment of constipation, radiant. Spinach leaves contain a variety of insulin-like material, can keep blood sugar stable. Spinach rich vitamin content to prevent angular stomatitis, night blindness, vitamin deficiency. Spinach also contains a lot of antioxidants, anti-aging, promote cell reproduction, can activate brain function, and enhance the vitality of youth, prevention of brain aging.

  Bitter melon

Efficacy: definitely a nourishing yin and disinfect

Balsam PEAR is not easy, but consumption is bitter-cold, refreshing not greasy, in the sense of refreshing summer consumption along with comfortable, Detoxicating yin, detoxification and beauty. Bitter melon infusion into herbal tea to drink in the summer, you can make people realizing in summer, Qing Yi-God is thirsty. Some areas will open with salt, bitter gourd, slightly salted, reduce some bitterness, vegetables; some will be bitter melon cut into rings, with meat, garlic, black bean stew, doing dishes.


Efficacy: lower cholesterol, excluding radioactive substances

Kelp contains a call of sulfated polysaccharide substances that can clear the attached to the vessel wall on cholesterol cholesterol up content. Kelp in alginate, due to the high water content in the intestines can form gel-like substances that help to eliminate toxins from the body to absorb heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, the body of radioactive elements, also helps in the treatment of arteriosclerosis, and prevents constipation and bowel cancer. Kelp contains large amounts of iodine, can stimulate the pituitary gland, the lower estrogen levels in women, restore normal ovarian function, eliminate hidden dangers of mammary glands.


Efficacy: eliminate blood Toxin

Fungus growth due to wet cool environment, medicine that it has the air of blood, the role of the cooling water to eliminate blood fever virus. Edible plants of glial strong absorption of the residues in the body of impurities in the digestive system passed out, Qingwei polyester bowel function. Black fungus on difficult digestion of chaff, wood residue, sand, scrap metal or other role with dissolved, cholelithiasis, kidney stones, etc. also have resolved function. Auricularia also reduces blood clots, prevention of thromboembolic disease


Effectiveness: in addition to the body of heavy metals and pesticides

Eat pumpkin can effectively control high blood pressure, gallstones, diabetes and other liver kidney, liver and kidney function help weaken patients improve regeneration capacity. The pumpkin, rich with pectin may delay intestinal on glucose and lipid absorption, you can also clear the body part of heavy metals and pesticides, there is a preventive anti-virus; cobalt rich pumpkin is the synthesis of insulin essential trace elements. Pumpkin also eliminating carcinogenic effects of nitrous acid amine.


Efficacy: clean-up vessels

Cauliflower contain flavonoids as one of the largest food, in addition to being able to prevent infection, or a good cleaning agent, to vessels prevents cholesterol oxidation to prevent platelet condense into blocks to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. It also makes the blood vessel wall, on obesity, eyesight weak and edema have effect. Eat cauliflower enhances the ability of liver detoxification, prevent colds and scurvy, long-term consumption also can reduce breast cancer, colorectal cancer and stomach cancer, cancer incidence.


Efficacy: reduce mercury concentration

Carrot is effective detoxifying food, and the body of the mercury ion combined, can effectively reduce the blood mercury ion concentration, acceleration of mercury ion discharge. Carrot in amber potassium, help to prevent the hardening of the arteries, reducing cholesterol. Carrots contain beta-carotene may clear cause human aging free radicals, the b vitamins and vitamin C and other nutrients are moisturizing, anti-aging effect. Female eating carrots can reduce the incidence of ovarian cancer.

 Mung bean

Function: number, clear the Fiery

Chinese medicine practitioners believe that green bean can number, can help the body to promote excretion of toxins into the body's normal metabolism. Mung bean solvable wine, wild mushrooms, arsenic poisoning, organophosphorus pesticide poisoning, lead poisoning, Dan stone, rodenticide poisoning, etc. Mung bean contains blood pressure and cholesterol. Feeding green bean sprouts, treatment because of a lack of vitamin A causes night blindness, lack of vitamin B2 caused tongue sores stomatitis and yinnangyan, lack of scurvy due to vitamin C, etc. Green bean sprouts off of soya named

Mung bean clothing, detoxifying, eyesight cornea. (Source: PConline Photography Department)

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