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Diet method 15 miaozhao small control appetite

  饮食减肥方法 15个控制食欲小妙招

  1. avoid eating under pressure

Pressure would want to find out piping is often eat out of most people, eating a lot of snacks, ice cream etc, unbridled. Want to vent emotions, to make a good outlet for boxing bar ~ also reached motion effect!

  2. before eating and drink a glass of water

Food drink a glass of water before you can enable full stomach feel some sense of this dinner, will soon have not, thereby reducing food intake.

  3. tighten the belt, wear clothing or more fit fitness clothing

This way you won't want to eat. But keep in mind that don't Le too tight, this is not good for the body of the Oh! clothes to wear more fit me, over dinner will be control, who will want to see your own eating meat when close clothes, people want to pinch it?

  4. drink coffee or tea

Coffee contains caffeine, green tea contains tea infants and polyphenols, these components can promote metabolism, increase Thermogenesis effect, helps to lose weight.

  5. the meal and eat fruits before

Reduces appetite, avoid eating too many calories. And many fruits are rich in fiber, can have a good sense of satisfied.


  6. three meals per day to primary

Eat breakfast, lunch-full 8 full, dinner eat less and less. Meals eaten so snacking opportunities will also reduce the Oh!

  7. three meals a day, do not eat any dessert

If true, the mouth watered put some small snacks, the low card of course is the best!

  8. follow the steps to dinner

Soup rarr rarr; vegetables; meat and rice

  9. don't gobble

To chew swallow, eating too fast food into the stomach cannot absorb large amounts of all have to absorb the it turn into fat.

  10. ingredients to steaming, boiling, shredded, cooked

Light without losing the taste, taste or feel cool!

  11. eat peanuts, sunflower seeds, cashews, and other fatty foods

Looks like a small thing, but a lot of calories, quit quit all quit!

  12. do not snack confections, don't drink sugary drinks or wine

Eating outlets-Jazz hands, sweet taste who does not love, forget it! ~ otherwise purchased fertilizer buzzing figure, who would love?!

  13. take your heart a gentle good thin index figures photos

Find out who your favorite people, tell yourself

I want to talk to him like skinny!

  14. looking for weight loss weight loss program implemented together with his comrades with each view bade

Cocooned, friendship strength great! but not with each other in a lazy Oh ~ finally become fat twins!

  15. give yourself a reason to lose weight

Is to be a thin person! (Source: PConline photography tribal)

  Additional reading:

  5-day weight loss diet weight a pound a day

"> 10 powerful weight loss food to eat out slim

  Summer 3 slimming food let you quickly and fat

  gt;gt;gt; Look more weight loss method