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Eggs in the diet for one month 10 pounds thinner

Egg yolk contains lecithin is an emulsifier, fat cholesterol emulsifier into very small particles, exclude from the blood to the body after. Eggs also can make blood HDL increases can protect blood vessels to prevent hardening. Judging from the eggs weight loss method is a scientific basis, through the practice also proven a practical weight loss method. When the weight reaches the standard, then the society such as thermal and heat consumption balance, you can make the effect lasting weight loss.

鸡蛋减肥法 一个月瘦10斤


  Weekly 28 eat eggs weight 9 kg

United Kingdom Prime Minister Thatcher of hundreds of private archives first open, with a slim little note of personal diary exposure the ldquo; iron lady rdquo; weight loss secrets. In 1979, Thatcher in order to best campaign United Kingdom Prime Minister to the throne, before the elections of 28 weekly eat eggs lose weight. Menus on alternative ldquo; the incumbent to lose weight; also includes a small amount of rdquo whiskey, Thatcher was approximately 60 kg of body weight, the recipe for her in two weeks minus 9 kilos of meat.

 Eggs in the diet weight loss recipes


Breakfast: boiled eggs (unlimited), toast (unlimited), grape fruit, coffee (without sugar and milk)

Lunch: boiled eggs, toast, coffee

Dinner: boiled eggs, vegetable salad, pickled vegetables, coffee


Breakfast: boiled eggs, toast, grape fruit, coffee

Lunch: boiled eggs, coffee, only two grape fruit

Dinner: steak, tomato-vegetable cold plate salad, pickled vegetables, coffee

鸡蛋减肥法 一个月瘦10斤


Breakfast: boiled eggs, grape fruit, coffee

Lunch: salad with cabbage, tomatoes, grape fruit, coffee

Dinner: boiled eggs for two, lamb, tomato-based Greens Salad, pickled vegetables, coffee


Breakfast: boiled eggs, grape fruit, coffee

Lunch: salad with cabbage, tomatoes, grape fruit, coffee

Dinner: boiled eggs, cheese, only two spinach, coffee


Breakfast: boiled eggs, fruit, tomatoes, grapes, coffee

Lunch: Cook eggs in two, spinach, tomatoes, coffee

Dinner: fish, vegetable salad, toast, coffee


Breakfast: boiled eggs, grape fruit, coffee

Lunch: fruit salad, egg and two

Dinner: beef, tomatoes, cabbage salad consisting mainly of coffee

饮食减肥方法 15个控制食欲小妙招


Breakfast: boiled eggs, grape fruit, coffee

Lunch: chicken, tomatoes, grape fruit, coffee

Dinner: vegetable soup, round cabbage, grape fruit, vegetable salad, tomato-based

  Diet four principles:


Principle 1: try to eat less additional sugar food;

Principle 2: avoid eating between meals; sugar

Principle 3: to select from two groups of low-fat or skim of a variety of food as a snack;

Principle 4: each time you finish eating all remember to brush your teeth a snack.

From sugar diet can be seen, this recipe is actually did not cause much of hunger. I can only hope that you like to eat fish. Fish is the weight loss food gourmet meal, is the downsizing of the Queen. Whether you go by what the thin line, as long as the fish you along the way through. You can eat fatty fish, although such a fish contain more calories, but it at least contains fatty is beneficial fats. I also often enjoy a relatively lean fish or shark fin section. (Source: PConline photography tribal)

  Additional reading:

  5-day weight loss diet weight a pound a day

  10 powerful weight loss food to eat out slim

  Summer 3 slimming food let you quickly and fat

  gt;gt;gt; Look more weight loss method