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Kuangshou 10 pound weight loss recipes in the autumn of yogurt

Yogurt can weight loss drink yogurt? how to lose weight? what kind of yogurt to lose weight? these questions you know?

六大营养果汁 吃了不发胖

  Yoghurt drink every day how much weight loss?

A glass of milk in the morning, evening and a cup of yogurt is the most ideal. But some favorite yogurt, often in large drink yogurt after meal, could cause weight gain. This is because the yoghurt also contains certain thermal dinner drink yoghurt is equivalent to an additional intake of these heat, caused a weight increase. Therefore, in addition to the infant, various people may promote daily drink 1-2 cup yogurt (125-250 ml) as well, preferably after meals for half an hour to an hour drinking, adjustable gut flora, beneficial to good health.

  Yoghurt 7 meal method

Internet famous: after getting up to drink the boiling water, accordingly 500cc 1 week can reduce 3-6kg Oh!

Breakfast: fresh yoghurt 250g integrated nuts/oatmeal.

Lunch: fresh seasonal fruit yoghurt 250g

Dinner: fine dining

  Apple yogurt weight loss method

Day one mdash mdash;; day 2: Apple yogurt (first day of work before 8 a.m. eat an Apple, 10 a.m. many an Apple, an Apple three in the afternoon. All in all a total of prepared five Apple, hungry to eat. Then next day drink yoghurt, even the water didn't drink it. Feel your own mental state is also good. The next day, and so on)

The third day mdash mdash;; fourth day: normal diet (breakfast is to eat porridge with cold dish, lunch is the meal of the day, having Lotus root stew, green bean soup, bean curd skin celery, cucumber on a dinner, an Apple. The next day and so on)

Fifth day mdash mdash;; sixth day: Apple yogurt,

The seventh day; mdash mdash; on the eighth day: healthy diet

The nine mdash mdash;; the first ten days: Apple yogurt,

Eleventh day mdash mdash;; 12 days: normal diet

六大营养果汁 吃了不发胖

  Yogurt and green papaya, weight loss and breast enhancement

Method one: yoghurt practicing milk a green papaya 150 ml of sugar-free mix yogurt and two spoons of milk, stirring after firing into the green papaya juice. You can eat, can be put into the refrigerator cold, taste better.

Method two: yoghurt practice before every meal milk 150 ml yogurt, and match two spoons and milk, stirring.

Method three: yoghurt practicing milk chest massage when provisioning Chin commodities, many systems, and every night after the shower, the chest, clockwise counterclockwise alternating massages. At least 15 minutes, to feel warm as well in the chest.

  Brown sugar yoghurt

Ingredients: brown sugar, yogurt, 50-10g 200g

Cooking: 2 times a day, instead of dinner good results, it is recommended to stomach.

Tips: you can not only lose weight, brown sugar and mix yogurt and have amazing breast enhancement effect.

  Green tea powder yoghurt

Material: green tea powder, yoghurt 15g 10-50-200g

Practices: both stirring uniformly

Eating: three meals a day

The first half hour drinking, willpower strong meimei can substitute for dinner.

Tips: green tea powder can effectively promote gastrointestinal detoxification and treatment except pox anti-radiation effect.

Finally, if you want to make weight loss results to achieve the best, but also with certain sport weight loss plan, every night stick skipping 2000, or doing stretching exercise is also good. In this way, losing weight, reduction of yogurt 10 pounds is perfectly fine. (Source: PConline photography tribal)

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