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Teach you a few tips to lose weight and eat more skillfully qiubiao

And to put in the fall of qiubiao how eating meat to lose weight but not SFI? master the following method is! eat meat to lose weight? really! this alternative method can also be very thin. Think of a diet to lose weight you come and see it. Eating meat to lose weight fast, weight loss is the original is eating meat to lose weight hellip; hellip;

教你几招 巧吃秋膘更减肥

  No meat not happy to also be able to lose weight

The pursuit of thinness among figure to all non-meat not happy to swing out of the problem, in fact, meet the meat not happy ' mouth to and the pursuit of health is to unify.

  Boiled or steamed meat fried meat less calories than half

Lose weight and when you should have some protein, fat, otherwise, thin is thin, but poor physical fitness. So, weight loss diet to note during the vegetables, fruits, meat, sugar and rational allocation.

  When you try to eat lean meat diet fatty meat

Lose weight eating meat when you don't think that would be fat, as long as the correct edible method, try to eat lean meat fatty meat, so you can easily have a wealth of vitamins, minerals, proteins etc so that you are not afraid of nutritional imbalance. When cooking or frying of directly jianchao meat after ingestion of excessive heat, and direct use of boiled than meat fried out jianchao reduced almost half an hour.

  Meat food protein in the body is needed

Meat food protein in the body is the core of the various nutrients. Human hormones secretion of normal, normal muscle growth, the immune system's normal maintenance can not be separated from it. But remember, you want to select high-protein, low-fat animal proteins that control the fat. Fish, chicken breast meat, egg, yoghurt are wonderful food, high protein and low in fat. Cooking methods as boiled, steamed should try sauerkraut steamed fish, taste good, nutritious.

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  Help maintain shape of meat

No meat not happy that many people are in fact no obesity, meat is not happy, you can fit to eat meat.

The following meat is very suitable for human consumption:

  Rabbit meat

Rabbit meat and poultry meat ingredients vary in General, its characteristics are: more protein per 100 g meat in protein 21.5 g; fat per 100 g, fat 0.4 grams only; contain rich lecithin; cholesterol less, per 100 g cholesterol only 83 mg. As the rabbit meat protein more, higher nutritional value, low fat, fat people ideal for meat.


The nutritive value of second only to beef, rabbit meat, also is suitable for fat people eat meat. Per 100 grams of beef protein 20 grams of beef protein contains the essential amino acids are more, but with less fat and cholesterol, therefore, particularly suitable for fat people and high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease and diabetes patients, moderate consumption.

Caution: chives cream and honey, beef with food


Generally the fat butcher as saturated fatty acids and fish fat but contains many unsaturated fatty acid, has good cholesterol. Therefore, fat people eat fish better, both to avoid obesity and preventing atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.


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