4 Detox salad of fruits and vegetables to eat out beautiful health
nbsp; Strawberry fruit salad Ingredients: strawberries, apples, bananas a root, a cup of yogurt, honey in moderation. Practices: wash the strawberries, apples, banana cut cut into small pieces, and yogurt mixed, add appropriate amount of honey. Efficacy: Strawberry and Apple pectin which contains a lot, you can clean the intestines; banana can relieve constipation, on a secondary role in the treatment of constipation; honey and yoghurt are paiduyangyan relatives. Four colors fruity salad Material: cherry, grape, litchi, the 5 star cherry, lemon juice, salad dressing appropriately. Practices: cherry, grape, cherry clean, respectively skins to nucleus of Litchi, salad sauce mixing evenly, finally joined the lemon juice. Efficacy: Cherry has high medical value, temperature and bowel purgative; grape can help the liver detoxification; not only can kidney Litchi, also can speed up the metabolism; kidney of waste containing highly alkaline lemon can improve blood circulation, eliminating toxins from the lungs. Additional reading: 9 chicken diet slim eating out |
nbsp; 缤纷 蔬菜 沙拉 Ingredients: onions, cucumber, carrots, black fungus in moderation, olive oil, black pepper, salt and a little. Approach: the onion, diced cucumber, carrot and black water 焯 cooked and cut into small pieces, add olive oil, Add onion and cucumber Ding, Ding, carrot and black fungus mixing evenly, finally joined the black pepper and salt to taste. Efficacy: cucumbers cucurbit pigment and cucumber acid can help the liver detoxification and diuretic effect, you can exclude the kidneys of metabolites; black fungus can absorb impurities in the intestines, blood purification; carrot can reduce the concentration of mercury in the blood. 蜜桃 西柚 沙拉 Material: grapefruit half, pear, peach, each a salad, honey in moderation. Approach: the PEAR, peach, grapefruit separately washed, peeled and cut block, three cups of salad dressing up, finally joined the honey. Efficacy: peaches with saliva runchang, the efficiency of blood circulation and Xiaoji; pears of flavonoids and antioxidant nutrients to exclude the carcinogenic substances in the intestines, and prevent the body's detoxification system harmed; grapefruit you can stomach to tradition, constipation. (Source: PConline photography tribal) |