The best choice for bananas in the autumn of weight loss or tomato
Next to the method is very simple, even as it had in Japan; a banana shortage rdquo ldquo; yet, so let's get started.
香蕉 Breakfast to lose weight 法 1. breakfast only eat bananas, to chew swallow Breakfast only eat bananas, want to eat as much root root on how much to eat. If you don't like bananas, other fruits can also be used instead, but please ensure that each meal to eat a single varieties of fruit. Stomach really hungry, you can eat a banana, 15mdash; 30 minutes and then eat something else. 2. drink is water, to a large number of places to drink When you mix banana for breakfast at ambient temperature of the water, eating bananas 15mdash; after 30 minutes you can drink. There is no requirement, just remember that hard to drink. Because the water doesn't need digestion and decomposed, so you can have the stomach to receive adequate rest. 3. normal eating lunch, no limit For lunch you can choose any of your favorite foods, and breakfast to chew swallow. Some people in order to lose weight will stop for lunch, a bunch of hungry to eat snacks, this will only be counter-productive to lose weight, you want to see early weight loss results, we recommend regular meals for lunch, and rice dishes, whichever is less. 4. afternoon break snacks, safe consumption Want to have a snack, you can. However, in order to avoid eating too much, provides its own day only eat one, not even eat a whole bag. Special dessert, you can choose the kind of fruit to eat. Additional reading: This drink yoghurt, easy weight loss a thin 5 kg |
nbsp; 5. eat, eat dinner early so I can do everything Many star said to his own diet, will be referred to the 20-point in the future, do not eat. Dinner meal times are important. To make arrangements at 18 o'clock, at the latest not more than 20 points. Breakfast for dinner, even if it's okay to eat more, eat whatever you want. But to quit after dinner dessert. 6. go to sleep before midnight We must develop the latest at zero before bed. Our bodies to detox and self adjustment is sleeping, sleeping badly, it is difficult to improve physical fitness, it is a good weight loss methods won't work. 7. the campaign wanted to do, you do not have to force the Our body has a strong ldquo; the ability of self-recognition rdquo;, healthy moderate games make the body comfort: on the contrary, if the body feel pain and pressure, in a timely fashion since the province and adjust campaign style and strength. 8. open weight loss journal, supervision Banana breakfast diet so popular, and yet another is very |
Want to make banana diet method successfully, you must comply with a time and dinner before going to bed at night zero. Morning only eat bananas, drinking water, you can have the stomach for minimal effort to help restore bowel function. At noon the temperature is high, the intestines, stomach, is not easy to eat more fat is not easy. Dinner to end before the 20-point is to let the gastric emptying. Late or want to eat it, it is recommended that you eat can quickly digest, almost does not affect the sleep of fruit. 22 points after two hours, is our body repairs itself the main stages of adjustment. Not only physical improvements mainly in sleep, basically excreta in sleep was produced. Therefore, before going to bed at night the zero point is important. |
nbsp; Banana's nutrition Vitamins B1, B2: promote the metabolism of carbohydrates and fat, edema of the prevention, elimination of fatigue. Potassium: promote will cause the blood pressure to rise through urine excretion of sodium, helps eliminate edema. Magnesium: regulation of blood pressure, regulation of calcium's role in the human body. Dietary fibre: helps eliminate constipation. Serotonin: stability, promote sleep, nerve discharge anxiety, eliminate hunger. Plant nutrients: contains polyphenols has strong antioxidant effect, helps against aging. Enzyme: a smooth absorption by the intestines to increase bowel rest time. Carbohydrates: bananas contain glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch, sugar, can allow the body to withstand the hunger to maintain attention. |
nbsp; The benefits of banana diet 1. Add plenty of water, improvement of water circulation in the body. 2. adequate intake of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre. 3. intake of plant nutrients, antioxidant effect to maintain good health. 4. rich in enzymes may features activated human metabolism. 5. let the stomach get time to rest. 6. rich in sugar to be able to limit the non-normal diet |
nbsp; 晚间 Tomato weight loss 法 1. and dinner together Can raw tomatoes cut into thin slices, made of sugar mixed with tomatoes. You can also directly into a cherry tomato salad vegetables, together with other vegetables or cooking. You can eat when drinking some tomato juice, you can also add some ketchup, tomato cans, adjust the taste. In short, forms, and how we eat are not enough, this is the charm of tomato. 2. insist on at least 3 months, preferably half year A lot of people rushing, often several days or weeks to see the effect will be discarded. However, medicine, skin, nails and other metabolic cycle average 6 months. And it is said that the human body can remember lasted 6 months after the State, remember to keep this status. So let your body remember status after getting thinner. 3. as far as possible the orderly life Adjust up time and bedtime, ensure adequate sleep and a good diet, weight loss is also a night tomato method. 4. day must ingest more than 15 mg of lycopene Drink raw tomatoes, tomato juice, tomato cooking, but to guarantee the day intake of more than 15 mg of lycopene. |
nbsp; Tomato nutrition Lycopene mdash mdash;; eliminate oxidation of oxygen free radicals, with anti-aging effect. Pectin mdash mdash;; food composition, accelerate intestinal peristalsis. Glutamine them and aspartate mdash mdash;; to increase the food taste. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc mdash mdash;; auxiliary vitamin absorption of minerals. Citric acid and Malic acid mdash mdash;; appetite, eliminate fatigue. Glucose mdash mdash;; the Elimination of both physical and mental fatigue. Vitamin mdash mdash;; prevent skin feeling dry and wrinkled. |
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The benefits of tomato weight loss method
1. fresh blood to tomato mdash mdash;; contains of lycopene, the food and fiber can lower cholesterol, blood becomes clear, speeding up the metabolism, so you have an easy weight loss of the Constitution.
2. lubricate the skin mdash mdash;; lycopene to purge the body of oxygen free radicals, preventing the skin dry. Vitamins can strengthen your skin. Ldquo; downsizing skincare rdquo; two birds with one stone.
3. the delicious taste of mdash mdash;; tomato, glutamine acid makes the taste buds experience the delicious feeling, therefore it and any food can match, satisfy your appetite.
4. easily enjoy ldquo; thin rdquo; mdash mdash;; evening food nutritional supplements must be tomato, can promote the growth hormone secretion in sleep, speeding up the metabolism, inhibits fat and ultimately achieve slimming purposes. (Picture source: PConline photography tribal)