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Sweet potato shoushenfa makes you beautiful big star 

红薯瘦身法 让你美过大明星   

  Nutritional weight loss products mdash mdash; single; sweet potato

As far as determination of discovery, per 100 g of sweet fat 0.2 grams, is rice's 1/4. So sweet potato is low-calorie, low fat foods leader. In addition, the sweet potatoes also contain balanced nutrition ingredients.

Such as vitamin A, B, C, cellulose, potassium, iron, copper, etc. more than 10 types of trace elements, including cellulose on intestinal peristalsis up good stimulus to promote excretion. At the same time, due to the fiber structure in intestinal absorption, has not been obstructed the sugars into fat's special features. Therefore, nutritionists call sweet potato is the most balanced nutritional and healthy food, the most ideal and inexpensive large weight loss food.

Weight loss example taking a great beauty mdash mdash;; Shu Qi

减肥食谱 把丰胸与减肥进行到底

  Jimmy's sweet potato soup

Material requirements: fresh, sweet potato 250 g-100 g.

Cooking steps:

A small bowl Jimmy's overnight soaking, Jimmy's skin is very hard, to soak up some time;

The bubble of wheat seed into a pressure cooker, you can also Cook cooking comes first, the pressure cooker is fast, but also with lots of water, fire, 20 minutes;

Boiling it can join the sweet potato, a couple of minutes;

Out of the pot and add appropriate crystal sugar before, when Jimmy's Cook's luscious aroma.

Weight loss example taking a great beauty mdash mdash;; Sammi Cheng

  Simple Sweet Potato porridge

Material requirements: fresh sweet potatoes 250 grams, 100 grams of rice.

Cooking steps:

The sweet potato (with red skin with heart is the best) wash potatoes cut into small pieces, add water and rice boiled gruel. (Picture source: PConline Photography Department)

Supplementary reading: Wear on bra nbsp; let the meat is longer in the chest.   Diet sports programmes spring speed 30 pounds thinner nbsp;

nbsp; 我想减肥成功

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