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Weight loss recipes cucumber egg 7 days off 20 pounds of fat

Reminder: the most important is the first week, you can only eat boiled eggs and cucumber, you have to eat, but don't hang on!

黄瓜 鸡蛋 7天刮掉20斤肥肉

  The first week of the cucumber egg specific diet plans

Morning: eggs one (you can have tea egg OH), a piece of cucumber

Noon: eggs one (you can have tea egg OH), a cold dish a cucumber

Evening: cucumber, two cold dish or a cucumber

From the second week of may eat anything else, you can eat some boiled or steamed meat and vegetables, but don't put oil. At four o'clock, you can only eat eggs and cucumber.

Oil-free production of vegetable soup; mdash mdash; these nutrients more vegetable soup looked like drooling, and weight loss benefits, etc.?

You can drink the milk and milk, it is recommended that you drink in the morning, you can eat some fruit, excluding bananas! to egg, daily meals to egg as a staple food, with fresh vegetables and fruit, a small amount of baking bread and coffee drinks, a week, you can lose weight 5KG Oh!

Weight loss principle: egg yolk contains lecithin is an emulsifier, fat cholesterol emulsifier into very small particles, exclude from the blood to the body after. Eggs also can make blood HDL increases can protect blood vessels to prevent hardening.

Judging from the eggs weight loss method is a scientific basis, through the practice also proven a practical weight loss method. When the weight reaches the standard, then the society such as thermal and heat consumption balance, you can make the effect lasting weight loss.

Food rules: the first day of egg didn't limit, each Eclipse three, if high cholesterol can only eat protein, protein in tofu (bean curd with 4 you slim) instead of this method can also be done in two weeks. Each week two weeks 10KG 5KG. After two weeks without the need to continue.

  7 day diet weight loss recipes egg


Breakfast: boiled eggs (unlimited), toast (unlimited), grape fruit, coffee (without sugar and milk)

Lunch: boiled eggs, toast, coffee

Dinner: boiled eggs, fresh vegetables and salads, pickles (do not put too much salt mdash mdash;; Korean kimchi weight loss discovery), coffee


Breakfast: boiled eggs, toast, grape fruit, coffee

Lunch: boiled eggs, coffee, only two grape fruit

Dinner: steak, tomato-vegetable cold plate salad, pickled vegetables, coffee Wednesday

Breakfast: boiled eggs, grape fruit, coffee

Lunch: salad with cabbage, tomatoes, grape fruit, coffee

Dinner: boiled eggs for two, lamb, tomato-based Greens Salad, pickled vegetables, coffee


Breakfast: boiled eggs, grape fruit, coffee

Lunch: salad with cabbage, tomatoes, grape fruit, coffee

Dinner: boiled eggs, cheese, only two (b type people need more small edible), spinach, coffee


Breakfast: boiled eggs, fruit, tomatoes, grapes, coffee

Lunch: Cook eggs in two, spinach, tomatoes, coffee

Dinner: marine fish (weight loss fertility because the fish you can lose weight, eat fish), vegetable salad, toast, coffee


Breakfast: boiled eggs, grape fruit, coffee

Lunch: fruit salad, egg and two

Dinner: beef steak (lose weight is to eat the meat of the 3 day diet plan), for consisting mainly of Greens Salad with tomato, coffee


Breakfast: boiled eggs, grape fruit, coffee

Lunch: chicken, tomatoes, grape fruit, coffee

Dinner: vegetable soup, round cabbage, grape fruit, vegetable salad, tomato-based.

Mix salad with vegetable oil, available in the absence of mutton and beef instead, available to hungry when eating tomatoes, coffee without sugar and milk, it is best to black coffee. 1. about eggs, boiled eggs can be white, can also be cleaned with a pack of fragrant material package made of halogen-free eggs; 2, fragrant materials with bag attached gauze tied up, plus several sledge, xiaoshao salt, 2 big spoonful of soy sauce, clear water, boil 15 minutes, with crushed eggshell, go small fire continue to boil for 30 minutes; 3, so make a delicious spiced egg, a rich mixture of aromas;

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减肥食谱 瘦身美食DIY

  Assisted exercise better allowing line

If you can do some exercise, the effect will be even better!

1, using two feet to the front straight posture, grasping hold toe, to pull the body orientation.

2. one foot to bend the knees, inside the hand hold another foot toe, slowly to pull on the body. Note the knees are bent.

3. after two legs spread open, approximately shoulder width, then slowly stretching as far as possible the Crouch, skate to the calf muscles.

After the end of the weight loss cannot be recovery diet slowly increase! over a month later, your stomach is very small, you only need to eat a little bit will be satisfied. (Picture source: PConline Photography Department)

Supplementary reading: Reduced light stomach floating meat dewlap tips available    Reduced light stomach floating meat dewlap tips available

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