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Weight loss food American leg and downsizing of 5 food

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Watermelon to edema

Has diuretic effects of watermelon, it contains substances can body of salt water expelled from the body, thereby reducing the burden of the kidneys and liver.

Tomatoes get rid of muscle tension

Try to eat tomatoes, you can keep his nutrition, do not hit for maximizing because the tomato juice contains a very large number of dietary fiber, can help relieve legs because movement or long standing for the formation of muscle tension, more conducive to the leg to edema.

����Spinach antioxidant

Leg skin moisture easily lost, than in other parts of the body dry, early wrinkles, eat more spinach can be blood circulation more energetic, fresh nutrients and oxygen to the legs and back legs.

��Banana contains high-nutrition

Calories is a bit high, in fact, the fragrant Coke can when dinner. It has a bit more fat and sodium, potassium, but very low, in line with the beautiful legs of nutritional needs.

��Peanuts both legs and bushing

Peanuts are vitamin B2 King James that is rich in vitamins B2, nicotine acid, is a high protein content is extremely high, in addition to American leg, is caused by insufficient protein liver disease health food. (Source: PConline Photography Department)

Additional reading:

����Potatoes are also able to lose weight and summer weight loss method

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